Beam adjusters

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
North-West (Preston)
Hi all,

I've fitted my 'vans Christmas present in the shape of a set of Gaz coilovers. It has raised the front up about an inch as to be expected. What i'd like to know is how many notches on the beam adjusters would you expect to go to lower it back down again (I'll probably aim for 2 inches).

Bit of a long shot, and perhaps a bit of trail and error might be the best answer here, but thought i'd put it out there and see if anyones got some better experience of this.

Cheers all & happy new year 8)
I've done some rough calculations :shock: and figured it to be around 2cm per notch. I guess you could half that if only adjusting the 1 er adjuster.

Just thought I'd add that for reference if anyone comes across this thread whilst searching...
If it's Avis adjusters that you're referring to, I remember that you get about 15 to 17cm worth of total adjustment. I've seen two different models of these, one with many small notches and the other with fewer large notches so there will be a difference per notch depending on the type. Sorry no pics and I don't remember what I did on mine but I went by the numbers above to calculate my drop. Better to lower it less than what you think it will be first and have to adjust them again (not a big job) rather than lower it too much and have to raise it which I hear is a bear of a job.

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