Best Pop Top Conversion?

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Jul 10, 2007
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Just a question about the different pop top conversions. Ignoring the actual interior furniture I was wondering what people’s opinions are on the different pop tops particularly if you don’t have children/need sleeping space in the pop top itself.

I have never been inside a Devon conversion but all the photos make it look really light and airy. The clear plastic sections on the pop top sides makes it seem like a skylight and give the illusion of space because of the equal length height of the pop top section.

It doesn’t look like you could stand up in a Devon pop top though compared to a Westy or Doormobile. Also I wonder if the Devon has any water leak issues compared to the other conversions?

I’ve had both of the main Devon pop top roofs and there’s loads of space to stand up right across the van., this isn’t including their extra large stuff like the Viking etc. The early Devon roof from 68 -75 ish was a superb effort in the bellows department with the crinkle cut easy fold and easy to put away fabric with lots of light etc but the flat roof section had various issues as demonstrated by the amount of sealing compounds trying to water tight the construction. Separate outer frame and flat roof section joined by a large gasket like rubber that held water on the roof forming a nice little pond, which leads to the roof sinking a tiny bit more and forming a slightly larger pond with the obvious outcome. The rivets also were a source of amusement as they also leaked more with age, the fibreglass cover was a vast improvement apart from the skylight. The later Devon roofs were a fibreglass upside down boat type that is great but without the crinkle cut fabric.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,but lots can be done :)
Dormobile for the win:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: but then I am biased. Window's in the hard side of the roof and as Ozzie says access
across the whole of the bus.

J and P
Sorry not only are the dormobile ugly not only that all you can only have bunk beds and the worsted thing about them you may as well not have a roof because it rains condensation on you all night.
Sorry not only are the dormobile ugly not only that all you can only have bunk beds and the worsted thing about them you may as well not have a roof because it rains condensation on you all night.
That’s very very true but not just with the Dormy, it includes most other van pop tops in their original guise also tin tops. However, with a little forethought and insulation they can be quite snug ( and dry ) . I’ve got an inch of celotex across my roof surfaces beneath the ceiling, then three mil of foamex sheet with graphics overlayed.
Yeah I insulated all mine even though it’s a Westfalia. The good thing about the Westy roof is it’s canvas.


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Practically I’d guess the late Westy roof is the best? Well ventilated, slant design reduces condensation drippage, easy to pop up and a good bed. Oh, and the roof rack.
I don't think the Doormobile is ugly, but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say.
We sprayed the inside of our dm roof with white underbody seal and crack open the 2 skylights at night, never had rain come in or condensation dripping from the roof. Some condensation on the windows but I bet every camper has that!

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