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Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hello all,
Just starting to cut out an awful lot of rot out of 'Cynthia' and will need to replace with new panels. There seems to be a lot of suppliers out there but just wondered if there was a view on which provide the best value from a quality - fit perspective obviously cost as well but that's not the main factor. JK offer a comprehensive range, AH Schofield I've heard offers good quality panels. I have a couple of clips for areas like the rear corners but don't really want to include too many bits of old steel into the restoration
Any views ?
Thank you :D
Depends what panels you are after, Autocraft panels are top of my list for qualitity along with Schofields own make parts some of the other suppliers do sell some good stuff you just have to do some research and phone them before you buy , klocken@@@@ panels are a last resort if there is nothing else,the quality and gauge of steel used is diabolical and you will read on here most of the guys have to rework the Klock panels before they are anywhere near the fit they should be.,

Just going through the same process as you are.

Just my thoughts..

If there is an autocraft version i always suggest using one of those,

Dont get lured in by genuine VW as it will prob be vw brazil, a good german or UK repro will be a higher quality.

You can always email me [email protected] and I can help you through if needed.


Thank you to all - will go for a three pronged attack ! Autocraft - Schofield and JK - will give you an update ....... !
Best wishes

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