booked a mechanic to check bus over

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
East anglia
I've just booked my local machanic mate to come round next Sat or if he has to work then the following sat. He's happy to do a little work on the side and he's had a fare bit of experience working with vw t2 s .
My bus has an mot but i purchased it knowing it needed a few parts , tinwear ,pipes etc
Bit nervous as to what's gonna come up but shouldn't b to bad
Will b interesting having a experience mechanic used to working on vws and will give me the low down n advice so looking forward to learning something
Will also find out if my thousands were well spent or not ? :D
Is there anything i should ask him to check out ? Guess hel know what to look 4 ! ?
Sounds like you've done the right thing. At least you'll know what's what and he'll be able to say exactly what needs done and what you can leave for now.
In the summer im gonna b carrying my family around in this 45 year old vw. I wonna know its up to standard and completely safe and also wonna keep it in tip top condition.
have you thought of coming to tekenders in april? you'd be able to meet likeminded owners and learn bits and bobs about your van. the next one is the weekend april 12th here" onclick=";return false;
Just had a quick look not to far prob 2.5 hours. Who knows maybe first weekend trip out this year.
There's also the T2D boot camp. Not cheap but supposed to be very informative." onclick=";return false;
Id love to go to any of these ... Not sure if the wife would b 2 happy she'd find it " boring " !
My two boys would prob love it. ( 4.5 yrs old & 0.5 years old old )
Prob is i can't cope with them two without the wife lol
Try talk here into it - is there any craft or handbag stalls lol :D
Mechanics booked to come round late tomorrow morning to give my bus its first proper check over since i purchased it. Gulp !
He's purchased a service kit so will do all the normal checks.
Is there anything i should ask him to look over ???
Most camper sites have a "how to buy/check over a bus " section ,maybe a good idea to look over them ,as they are pretty much up to speed(imo) assume you aint got round to purchasing the bentley service manual and "how to keep your voltswagen alive " books yet ?(essential ),also , if u haven"t yet ,get and carry the essential ! spares >AA/RAC seldom have them in theiur van(s.)If your mate can ,get him to do a comp. test(may as well,gulp!) its really the tinwear /body,structural ,everything else is easy peasy,>re your lady and the tec.weekends>perhaps she could volunteer to make the sarnies/tea ?>please do not tell her i suggested that but if u must do point out i was joking ! best wishes ,and welcome to the land of big smiles/empty wallet!
Lol that's funny
I've got the Hayes manual n the how to keep yr vw alive books
I've also heard of the vw weekends. Id love to go n hear the advice but i KNOW the wife would hate it. Maybe go on my own ???
My machanic mate knows his vw t2 s very well. We have some hire company's round here that rent vws for holidays and my mate works on these at his garage so he'll know his stuff im sure ? !
Ill report the damage sat pm
good 4 you fella, i also have a mate with his own commercial garage who served his time on bugs(which he hates now!) so yeah it deffo helps if pal knows them ,soooo many young mechanics(technicians?) seem 2 be scared of them ! let us know how things go?, if u will.
Its strange cos he's a customer of mine and i also use his garage. He normally hates old cars apart from aircooled so i feel very lucky. He's pritty good with them too. Ill let u know what he recons sat pm :)
shiplee123 said:
Its strange cos he's a customer of mine and i also use his garage. He normally hates old cars apart from aircooled so i feel very lucky. He's pritty good with them too. Ill let u know what he recons sat pm :)


Sorry didn't get that...

Have you read cover to cover in the Muir book yet? It should give you good pointers of what to look for and how to do maintenance.
Especially if you're a little mechanically minded it'll feel quite 'easy'. You'll get the hang of it quickly. I haven't worked on my bus in about 7 years and have forgotten a bit, so will read through it again to refresh...

Good luck, hope all is well with your sweet panel!
So he's just left. Couldn't take her out as there was a few bits to purchase. But over all he reckons from first looks it seems in good condition. Gotta order new exhaust gasket for sump that heat exchange pipes few other bits hope to get um fitted in two weeks.
Oh yes i was all eyes :shock:

It was really nice to do some mechanical work on it and to generally get a better feel under the lid

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