Hiya Kev,
Most shop manuals will focus on more extensive types of repairs. But all manuals should have, at least, a section on regular maintenance. A basic problem with these manuals is that tend to assume the reader has prior knowledge or basic experience with things mechanical or VWs in particular.
However, Clymer manuals do not make that assumption (at least not to the degree the others do) and consequently they tend to be new user friendly. Incidentally, for what it might be worth, practically all manuals published these days are distillations of the manuals Clymer published back in the 60s, 70s and 80s. The only two exceptions to this rule are Haynes (which does use some of this material - mostly illustrations) and "The Idiot Book" by John Muir.
I think Clymer would be a good choice for your needs. The problem is (you knew there would be a catch, right?) that Clymer is no longer publishing these manuals. There is little problem finding a Bus specific Clymer manual here in the USA. Over in GB, I really cannot say. Here's one up for grabs on e-Bay..............
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CLYMERS-VOLKSWAGON-TRANSPORTER-REPAIR-MANUAL_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem3a590f87cbQQitemZ250602293195QQptZMotorsQ5fManualsQ5fLiterature" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;