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Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2010
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East Brizzal
So? Who’s up for it , it’s 6,7, and 8th September. I’m just about to buy tickets but can’t get in to club camping without a club code.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, ideas gang ???
Done booked and I’ll pull my pants back up now, whoaa they charge like wounded buffalo them do. I’m in general.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,sounds better in a Mexican accent Gen errr rraaal :)
I will wonder up the road and see if I can annoy you Oz
Whatchya mean ,,,,wonder ? I reckon you means wander bud. Maybe we’ll see that air cooled V8 again. If my memory serves me correctly, I still owes you a fiver and you still owes me an ice cream.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,fingers crossed and hope for sunshine :)
Club Camping (Blue Camp) – To qualify for Club camping, you need to be a registered club, book a minimum of 10 pitches on your plot for your club members, and have Public Liability Insurance. Please contact our Club Camping manager at [email protected] if you wish to book a plot for your club
PLI requirements for clubs has been a thing for about 10 years now and why the club affiliation was kept up. I’m not aware of it ever being checked, used or claimed against but it all keeps the paperwork in order 😂
How else do you think clubs are covered for accidents, etc?
We, earlybay, are registered with the ABVWOC, and this provides the relevant insurance to be able to have an earlybay.com display.
Buying stickers helps raise the money required for our bills.

Well there you go then, every single day can be a school day. So I’ve already booked general mainly because I read that about insurance etc and thought that was the end of it. So Im reasonably Sure I could blag my way in to club camping if we have enough uptake to get the ten pitches. Or do we blag it and go in with the ssvc as that’s where we were plonked one year. So how many have we got going to this, it’s just so much bettererer when we are camped up together.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,So? How many ? :unsure:
I’m not sure exactly what kind of accident could be subject to a club claim? Incidentally who pays The Earlybay insurance?
I’m not sure exactly what kind of accident could be subject to a club claim? Incidentally who pays The Earlybay insurance?

We (Clem, Faux, Easy & myself), the admin team raise the money to pay all the required fees annually. Though selling the stickers, etc.
We used to get the income from sponsorships, etc, but not since the forum was sold off.
We (Clem, Faux, Easy & myself), the admin team raise the money to pay all the required fees annually. Though selling the stickers, etc.
We used to get the income from sponsorships, etc, but not since the forum was sold off.
In all honesty the club as a presence at shows has been dead since around 2019, so if anyone is spending any money it’s probably futile at this point in time. We have been camping together just this year but mainly around 5-6 of us
ABVWOC waived the fees through the last couple of years due to the lack of shows in Covid etc. so there hasn’t been much spent , and it’s only £40(?) a year, I think.

It’s just to cover the event of (for example) someone getting clobbered by one of our flags should it fall down etc …. very low probability but organisers look to transfer as much risk and liability as they can when organising events to reduce responsibility and cost.

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