bus parts/ work done/ etc record off?

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
any you peeps who do your own stuff or for that matter pay others to look after your bus keep extensive records re parts purchased ,work done ? i am pulling (whats left of) my hair out re one or other p/o bodge (rewired sub system in loom,using ALL THE SAME COLOURED CABLE !!!), No notes ,no "heads up " just left, for me to fix ,which i will ,eventually , for myself if i do anything on my bus i make a big entry on the record file as to why, what i used and if deviating from standard , why i did so, (obviously, for future ref.,)or if a.n.other person has to work on my bus >>>so, anyone do likewise or leave it to chance (which i sneekily admire ,acually)

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