Buses By the LONDON Bridge, Lake Havasu, AZ.

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
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Well, I'll be going to the Buses by the Bridge (London Bridge) in Lake Havasu, AZ. this Thursday thru Sunday (15th - 17th event) and I'll try to shoot some videos of the event and post them at my You tube account with a link on here too.

Anything particular you guys want to see? I'll try and shoot it..... ;) :mrgreen:
Never been to this one , it would be nice to see the swap meet area , maybe in the future I can put this one on my schedule.

Try and get a pic of the elusive Ronnie and see if that goatie has grown any more, and ask him how he managed to do a deal for creative safaris when no one else could in the US. Say Hi from the the.fordhams - we drove back from Havasu to NC last April, in a bus he 'rebuilt' the engine on.. Kingman, north on route 66 ahhh the memories...
The show is a laid back meeting of bus people by the lake, nice spot but a long trip out there from costal California. Usually a small swapmeet too.

Take some blankets its cold at night!
i love Lake Havasu, some of the power boats are amazing, My Uncle Dave is from Phoenix but has moved up to Black Canyon, so have been out there a few times but funnily never seen a single classic VDub :(
It was the freindliest event I have ever been too and I have been going to VW events for 30 years! Just walking around everyone would say hello and invite you to their camp fire..A really great time!

I'm beat tired and got a large back log of orders to fill.....

Ok, I went ahead and posted the photos (I don't if the video made it in it yet...):


My new '68 - '73 fg luggage racks:

I think you will find them strong:
Spreading the ebay er earlybay.com word :lol: 8) man some tasty busses in the vid fella looked a well chilled gathering a few hung over bodies :D
ib-bus said:
Very nice video , it's funny to see Barry anywhere you go , thanks and we'll be waiting for part 2.

Yea......I was planning to make another video and maybe with my HD camera but I was having too much fun and forgot to do it!

I like this forum and wanted to spread the word......

Got any early bay promotion items you might want to send to me to give out about this forum? ;) ;)
Thats a really cool video, looks so nice and chilled. Plenty of early's. Also spotted one with the large wheels on - there was a topic about these a few weeks ago
Araon said:
Spreading the ebay er earlybay.com word :lol: 8) man some tasty buses in the vid fella looked a well chilled gathering a few hung over bodies :D

Yes, stating the earlybay.com to many people there and on the video, it should qualified for a free Earlybay.com t-shirt at lest, RIGHT? ;)


IM me for my mailing address mods......I'll pay shipping costs!
Great video,about 4.04 min into video just past the smiley dentist bus there's a strange noise its either coming from that tent or toilet block :lol: made me laugh
from about the 149 to 202 mark you can see my old 71 westy poptop just past the blue splitbus on the left side of the screen. if you ould have seen the rear window you would have seen the earlybay.com sticker still on it. :lol: sold it a couple months prior to 2 young guys from Germany who are spending a year in northern california going to school at U.C. Davis. I was parked in the 1 area that you missed :( this was my 7th year going to this neat show/campout. 630 miles each way :shock:
great video some really nice earlys there and thinks for spreading the word :)

we had a flyer a while back but i was hoping i could get Paul (did the splash page design) to redesign it as a pdf and anyone could print it out pop it in a windscreen etc.

ill try to knock something up before the end of the week, copying wrting isnt one of my strengths unfortunately :oops:

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