Camper hire

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Oct 26, 2012
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Hi all new'ish to EB and gagging to buy my first van,Does anybody hire or know any good hire services for campers in or around the Bristol area? Just that me and the missus was looking to hire one for a weekend(even if it means a late bay :shock: ) before taking the plunge and buying one?(EB :lol: )....... (and it would be her treat for my birthday :msn4: ) any help would be appreciated cheers.
What's your poison tonight Wig? You're in a funny mood. ;)

Bet you've been gagging for an oppurtunity to pull that one out of the bag.
sparkywig said:


I won't in anyway be using this at work tomorrow! Brilliant.

Probably a bit far but I can recommend campers in Cornwall. Hired from them a few years back before I bought mine.
I'm in the process of buying my first (in England).
We hired a few years ago and despite the price of doing it had an awesome time.
Set the wife's mind at rest about the whole thing too!
Cool birthday present!!! 8)
Hey Longers7,, I did meet a couple of chaps that had hired busses to take their ladies off camping, but they drove down to Cornwall first in their daily motors (from Bedminster) then picked up the campers in Cornwall then proceeded to have an absolutely fantastic time,, so much so, that they wouldn`t shut up about it while I was trying to sell them something :evil: That`s the only time that mentioning VWs has cost me a sale :lol: I think it`s pot luck when you try to book them as you don`t know the busses personally but will defineatly whet your appetite to get your own. You honestly didn`t expect a sensible answer from someone Bristol based did you ? (Senor Sparkly Dig) ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Unusual for me though :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
I chose the closest hire company to me (which meant I had to have a late bay), so I could do the drive in it!
If you haven't had a bus before its a good idea to do the journey in one rather than using your daily and picking one up when you get there! They drive very differently to a modern car, and the journey is as much of the experience as the destination!
Cheers for the advice chaps, I've had a few t4's and even a wedge :msn4: , so sort of know what to expect when driving an EB, just seems that most hire companies only rent LB's ( must be something to do with reliability issues with EB's from what I've read on here :lol: ) contemplating just camping in my garage for a weekend covered in oil,skint and swearing alot for a real EB experience :roll: ...... still want one tho

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