CamperJam - special thanks to 'Clem'

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2008
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Oxfordshire/Berkshire borders ....
Just a quick note about a topsy turvry weekend. First we were going, then we couldn't find the wrist bands, then when we weren't looking for them we found them - so a quick pack up and away.

Great to meet many of the earlybay folk again, but my own special thanks to 'Clem' his early encouragement for either a magazine article or a line up when he first saw my westy prompted me to say I would enter it for just one show and shine so others could see it and make comments. Blow me if we didn't find ourselves driving back from Weston Park with the Best Camper prize for Type 2. With Matt's 'laundry van' winning and other earlybays doing well, plus a great supporting line up from what must have been 15+ earlybays no wonder the sun came out.

No photos from me, as in the rush to get away Saturday lunchtime, the camera didn't make it into the van - but I'll end this post as my heading suggested, very special thanks to 'Clem' not just for the show support but in so many other ways connected with the forum - another top bloke
Well done Dave 8)

I wish I had been able to stay to say hello to those who came up on Saturday, I can't wait to see some pics. I know my brother has taken some.

Congratulations, it is one sweet bus. 8) Nice to meet you both as well.

Wish it were mine :mrgreen:
Congrats David - your bus is soo sweet :)

The line up was was cool and plenty of earlies getting honours in the show and shine - nice one.

Saturday night weather aside, we had a blinder and this is the best 'family' show Ive been to in a long time. The organisation and facilities were superb :)

Faux - I was disappointed to miss you.
windsurfer - Nice to meet you and yours - superb bus 8)
adam - I noticed when I stacked my rubbish .... nice touch :)

Everyone who who showed up and enjoyed - thank you! :)

White Westys?
















Westy trailers 8)




Best commercial!



Very OG Devons



Best camper!


Used to be a lowlight ...


Lowlight funeral buses



Mr Whitewalls seemed busy through the day ... and what a cool flyer


Slamwerks in the trade area





Couldnt Dodge this van



Great event. Thanks again David and crew.
It was a great show, was very cool to meet you:mrgreen:
Lovely to see such cool buses and people! Can't wait til the next show :D

Didn't realise you were so busy with the camera, sweet photos!
windsurfer said:
:lol: It's amazing what you find out at sea :lol:
Let me know when your ship comes in :mrgreen:

Im hoping no news is good news, so far! :lol:
Simon, good to finally see your bus in the flesh - really is coming on a treat
Jon - sorry to hear your wife wasn't well, hope all is good now - but what a lovely thing to do in 'treating' your brother to a nice brand new family motordome :lol: He was so grateful!!

Forgot to mention, thanks for all the great comments about my SA Westy - as you can imagine still can't stop smiling, its been like that since I bought it and its a one time only entry, only wanted to enter it for one show no matter what the outcome, but happy to be included in earlybay line ups in the future - and on top of everything else, Richard Copping stopped by and asked if he could use the bus in a camper book project for Haynes which is still in early planning stages - which if it comes off and turns out like his 60 Years of the Transporter published earlier this year I will be even more chuffed to see photos of the westy featured

cotswoldiver said:
Richard Copping stopped by and asked if he could use the bus in a camper book project for Haynes which is still in early planning stages - which if it comes off and turns out like his 60 Years of the Transporter published earlier this year I will be even more chuffed to see photos of the westy featured


As soon as I saw it, I knew it would be famous ;)
Hey David,
It was lovely to meet you and your good lady, your Bus is amazing :mrgreen:
It's just the right bus for you! :D
Hi Everyone,
We had a great time at Camperjam, it was great to meet some of the earlybay guys, sorry it wasn't more. We were a little shell shocked at the whole camping with baby experience but absolutely loved it! So will be more sociable at the next show!
I'll go through my pics later and see if there are any worthy of posting.
Well done David, you really deserved to win :D you have got an incredible bus and you look so pleased with it which is great. I think you should put it into some other shows, I for one would never get bored seeing it :D

Great to see everyone again, had a great time at the show, it was a shame we didn't go into the EB camping area but the in-laws were with us :roll:

I have only just got back as we had another night camping so will put so photo's up in a bit. Just had these ones emailed to me & thought they looked quite 8)


Forgot to say, well done David on wining the show award - its a mint bus.
I'm yet to find an english version of the website we chatted about (for the birth certificate) but I have a german collegue at work, so I'll ask him.
Now get that Fire Extinguisher fitted!!
adamski said:
Forgot to say, well done David on wining the show award - its a mint bus.
I'm yet to find an english version of the website we chatted about (for the birth certificate) but I have a german collegue at work, so I'll ask him.
Now get that Fire Extinguisher fitted!!

Thanks Adam, we were dead chuffed and a bit taken aback. You are right, must get the extinguisher fitted - I've got some stainless steel ties now, they arrived this week so I think I will get the unit fitted and worry about the warning light wiring later. Don't like messing with electrics. Trying to finish off the westy trailer before we go away next weekend to Camp Bestival with the family

There is a link to the birth certificate place via the samba. (probably something on this site as well somewhere in the past) But see if this link takes you there, if not google vw birth certificate and you will find an english link with credit card payment as well

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