As you get older it gets harder and harder to keep up. Now the way I see it is it started in the US of A with 23 channels on A.M. then they went to the 40channels with their straight forty set up, then eighty then one twenty, keep up everyone :lol: Then one twenty with upper and lower sideband then Mr Yaseu and his mates popped in with the 5KC shift because when the UK came into with their F.M. they were on completely different frequencies to the original straight 40 somewhere in the region of channel eighty something on a one twenty but they were 5KC (half a channel) out because the UK government likes to be different.
Now we have a legalised A.M. set with single side band (ssb) in the UK, but I have no idea what frequencies they are rolling on, is it the same as the original ? about half way down the eleven metres ? If so then I may be able to dig out a very old A.M. which is way way way before the F.M. sets came out and play breaker break again just like in the old days. I didn`t realise the F.M. had got a bit naughty but I`m guessing it was on the cards.
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A.K.A. The Wizard Of Oz !!! :lol: :roll: :lol: