Hello mate, I`m not a Westy person / owner, mines more of a hybrid :mrgreen: The power sockets and hook ups on most of these oldies are for hook ups on sites to power whatever you have, lights, chargers etc. But fridges use a fair bit of juice and the older the fridge the more juice it used so they weren`t up to much back then until the three way fridge came about, I`m not sure if the three way fridge was about back then , this allows you to use gas or mains or battery when driving. Without mains hook up you would be skewered but everything gets better as time goes on. Not sure if the modern fridges across the board would last a long weekend on a leisure battery, but I`m sure there is one that`s just about there, think it`s a waeco compressor but I know nuffink about them, just heard of them. With a caravan, you would have lots of space to store gas and as many batteries as you like, but you don`t have quite so much spare storage in one of these little beauties :lol: I`ve had a Westy interior with the cool box and it was ok, but rather limited in capacity and I like my Stella ice cold so I made my own cool box out of an old steamer trunk
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Perfect :mrgreen: