Could I bother you to sign a petition?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
Near Winchester
Some of you will be aware that my son was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2010, since then I have become involved with a few charities and support groups and am astonished how little research goes into finding a cause or cure, less than 1% of cancer research funds.

I would really appreciate it if you could sign the e-petition <3" onclick=";return false;

The government must take action, NOW, to IMPROVE AWARENESS AND FUNDING IN THE UK: Brain Tumour research is approximately 12 YEARS behind other types of cancer research. 65% more women die from a brain tumour than from cervical cancer. Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of UK children . 16,000 people each year in the UK are diagnosed with a brain tumour. More people under 40 die of a brain tumour than from any other cancer. Only 14% of those diagnosed with a brain tumour survive beyond 5 years (compared with 50% for all cancers) 25% of all cancers spread to the brain. Every year there is a 4% increase in incidence. THESE ARE ONLY SOME OF THE FACTS: THE GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE ACTION NOW FOR THE FUTURE OF THOSE DIAGNOSED WITH A BRAIN TUMOUR.
Signed and mail received :)

Fingers crossed you get the numbers required :D
Signed :D

feeling the love in here right now! hope you get the ammount of sigs needed!!!
Signed and confirmed.

Good luck with all your efforts and wish you and your family all the best for the New Year.
Hope this gets the required response from the Government .
signed and confirmed all the best big bro has had 2 brain tumours now, one when he was 21 and a second at 45 hes doing well....all the best to your son and family dude :D :D :D :D
Thankyou madness :) Hope your brother continues to be well, has he been ok with treatment? My son has had radiotherapy now as it was growing, scan on Thursday to see how that went, its all very stressfull but could be a lot worse. Its amazing how many sufferers there are out there :( Good Luck you you all x x x

Perhaps you could share the link with family and friends?
ye hes cool he was 50 last november im little bro only 44 lol alls good tho mate has to have a check up yearly now hope all gos well for you dude im sure it will take care al. :D
E petition signed, we have also sent this to all our friends email addresses to sign, lets hope and pray 2012 will be a good year for you & your family.

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