Deluxe bumper trim

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2006
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Anyone with these?
Can you load up a photo of the things fitted please?
Also did you trim the rubbers yourself-I can only find unfinished lengths of it for sale and my first attempt to cut and fit was a bit pants..well about 2mm too short.That £11 wasted.
So whats the best technique?
cheers Paul
The insert are preformed and are designed to slot into the alloy mouldings :?



Thanks for the reply,where did you purchase the inserts from-or did they come complete from Heritage?
All I can find is lenghts of rubber that you have to cut yourself!!!
regards Paul also sell the rubber. You have to cut down and sand the corners down to round them off. I don't think anyone sells them already done but could be wrong. I did them on my last bus and looked fine, just took a few hours to do.

Give C&C a try I believe they do them ready moulded, worth a call
The creative ones are moulded in the correct profile but come in a strip that you cut down to the right length. They do it this way as on splits the deluxe trim differs in length based on European and USA models so to overcome this you have to cut and sand down the ends. Try the other suppiers first incase they supply ready to fit.
Cheers guys-need to hone my cutting and sanding skills as the one that is 2 mm too short looks pants,Kempy,didn't make a template did you??
regards Paul
paul said:
Cheers guys-need to hone my cutting and sanding skills as the one that is 2 mm too short looks pants,Kempy,didn't make a template did you??
regards Paul

No sorry, all I did was cut it slightly longer than needed and worked my way smaller until happy.

To be honest I wouldn't worry about being 2mm too short as when fitted on the van I bet you won't be able to notice. Next time you see another van with the same trim I bet they aren't 100% spot on either.
I will have a good look in the car park at Slough before I purchase more rubber to cut up.
Clem if your in the hall earlier than us mortals keep your eyes peeled for me!!! Do you know the location of your tables? I'll come and say hello.
cheers Paul
Forget the Creative rubber as looking closer the split screen type has a round profile on top and not flat like the earlt bay.

Also looking at their web site they don't appear to advertise anymore.
paul said:
I will have a good look in the car park at Slough before I purchase more rubber to cut up.
Clem if your in the hall earlier than us mortals keep your eyes peeled for me!!! Do you know the location of your tables? I'll come and say hello.
cheers Paul

I 'think' im opposite the coffee stand! :shock: