Disaster! Remove the engine & strip? Help!

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Pete B

Well-known member
May 3, 2008
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Not in, but 9 miles north of Peterborough
Year of Your Van(s)
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Lousy couple of days, one problem after another! See 'what are people doing this weekend' for more info (and a laugh).
Latest grief follows removing the carb (again) to find the brass tube which directs petrol from the accelerator pump down the venturi has gone AWOL. It was there, and when I took the carb off I kept it upright so I could check the float level. So I haven't dropped it, the only place it can have gone is down the (single port) inlet manifold. After a bit of wriggling, I have removed the manifold but of course there is nothing to be found and I can't see down the inlet ports properly.
What do I do? Take the engine out and have the heads off? I really didn't want to go down the road of stripping the engine, if I was to that would be for a proper rebuild. Have had to miss Runto the Hills this weekend, VW action is out along with Vanfest due to work commitments. I do not intend missing Brighton Breeze!!!!!!!
Running out of time, am working away 2 or 3 days this week, on the 12th working abroad for nearly 2 weeks which is cutting it a bit fine for the 'Breeze. And I still have to sort the carb and running issues.
Think I know the answer, just need someone to tell me....
Hiya Pete,

If you seriously suspect that the tube has gone down the manifold and into a head................you gotta go after it.
I feel your pain......having just cooked my wiring today trying to fix something that didn't really matter that much :(
Thanks so very much to all you guys who responded. I knew the answer, just didn't want to hear it! At 6pm the engine was sat on the floor of my very small garage. I adjourned to the pub, feeling the need for reconciliation with my fellow man (after 2 days pissing about with an errant bus!) Now a little refreshed, feeling the load a little lightened,ready to move on, it may be nearly half ten, but lets get out there and rip those heads off!!
Results to follow!
Cali-bay, know the feeling, fix one thing, ten others come straight back at you!
Noddy, top man, may well give you a shout, thanks.
Any chance the pipe could have been sucked in, chewed up and spat back out without any damage done?

You know what's going to happen next don't you.You'll strip it all down and then find the jet behind the tinware somewhere.You say you had the carb off before,is it possible the tube went awol the first time and it's in the garage somewhere etc? What made you take it off the second time anyway?
Took the carb off again (more like 4th time) after replacing all the ignition components, therefore eliminating them from the poor running problem and leaving carb as the only potential problem.
Maybe the tube has 'gone to a better place' and not done any harm but knowing my luck it will come back to haunt me big time!!!
Hoping you have the right idea, lets folow that!
Just as I feared, here's no.1 cylinder,



Note the bit of brass in the head! Need to check the valve seats, if only I could remember who borrowed my spring compressor.....
I have a TP engine sat here needing a freshen up after standing for about 8 years (bought s/hand so not guarantee it is ok) was planning on the full monty with that, just wanted the SP to last until winter, or at least get Brighton Breeze done!! Think that if the valve seats are ok, then a bit of fettling to smooth the damage a little, and slap it back together for now and keep fingers crossed :roll: I know it's not the way, but time is short and I only need that one big outing. And it will spur me on to get the other engine ready. :oops:
I can hear the sharp intake of breath, and don't screw your face up like that!!!! :lol:
Hopefuly it will all be serviceable still.Those tubes should be a lot softer than whats inside the engine.But like you say take the valves out and have a good look around.With luck all you'll have lost is a bit of time and small change in gaskets etc.
Obviously if building an engine for keeps, then the head and piston would be scrap, but I just need it to keep going for a bit longer, so a bit of bodging is in order! There is a kind of buzz to be had from taking something others would regard as junk and making it work again. Never kick the underdog, he may just come back and bite you when least expected!!!
To be honest, this is a tired engine (bless its cotton socks), the bores are worn, valve train worn, blowing past on all four heads and a bit of crank end float. But, this little baby has run me and my boy to sooooo many events, all over the place, EBI being the last big one, that I don't want it to 'die'. Bodge up for now perhaps, but big on rebuild coming up! that is when it does eventually give up the ghost, whenever that may be!!!!!
Pete - Im sure that repair will be absolutely fine.
I ran a cracked head that the 'internet' would have scrapped for years and thousands of miles. These donks are tougher and more resiliant than we imagine. I always reccomend good work and care to jobs done, but sometimes a little pragmatism goes a long way ;)
Bodge it, will give you something to do over winter when it gives up :lol: :lol:
I know my engine would benefit from new top end but as long as it keeps going ...........
Time is always short, but it is almost back together. Head/piston damage smoothed out a bit (Dremmel type tool used) to reduce the possibility of 'hot-spots', valves/seats seats checked and no damage apparent. Feels wrong to re-assemble without having lapped in barrels/valves and all the other stuff, but time will just not allow in this instance. So long as it works ok for Brighton, that will do for now, next time, this engine gets 'the works'! Dynamo/fan assembly to throw on, then exhaust, and ready to shove back in. Carb situation seems to be in hand, worryingly close to having a solution, most unusual!
Fingers crossed for you Pete :)

Give me a shout when you get round to the TP rebuild, I have a diploma in tea-making :lol:

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