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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2006
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Just go for a drive and park up somewhere nice to make a hot drink in your bus and watch the world go by. Did this this evening at the headland, you should have seen the jealous faces of the cold fisherman coming back to the car park.
I used to in my hometown of south shields all up and down the coast....

its great on a cold wet day brisk sea breeze and your sat there hot coffee digestives contemplating life........
Always take the scenic route, if I need to do something boring and practical like nip to B+Q 2 miles away, I find myself driving 12 with a nice easy smile 8) .
Feels like your on the side of life for a little while looking in.
thats one of the main reasons I bought mine :)
its just another part of the fun of owning a Camper

I used to do that sort of thing most weekends when I wasn't at a show
and some summer evenings when I had my Splittie

now I can do it all over again :wink:
I do more in the summer normally go get some chips and sit with the sliding door open one foot on the floor the other on the side step eatting drinking tea fighting off the ducks and sheep that seem to think just cause you feed them once you are there best friend and will always feed them :D

I feel like going for a drive today you know got nothing else to do :D
i usually go for a drive in my bus when ive had a bad day or just wanna clear my head . i put the tunes on Very loud and just drive .......Things dont seem to matter that much then :wink:

Thats what owning my bus means to me :wink:

I do that all the time, sometimes I get 2 hour lunch breaks and just pop down to one of the local beaches , thats my reason for owning a camper. :)
Today we drove to MK the country route, first time i have been in the van for two weeks :D we even saved a bunny in the road people where just driving around it, poor thing was in shock so i turned around pulled up behide it put on my gloves the gf watched, and i picked the poor little thing up he looked ok then i took him to the bush and he hopped off then the w1@ker behind be beeped and waved his fist, I just thought F@@K HIM! if he thinks his time is more important than a life then i will wait even longer in the van, oh and drive a little slowly, i mean i am in a classic car i cant go any faster....hehe

But we did have a nice day driving around the long way for no reason but to enjoy the drive :D
that's one of the reasons we had the van. can't beat having a cuppa in the middle of nowhere and watching the world go by.
i did the race for life the other week at shugborough, when i finished the hubby put the kettle on, got the cakes out and we had a party round the van. cor, there were some jealous people staring at us.

also love getting the kettle out at the motorway services, people go green as they walk past and get ripped off inside!

the joys
we used to use my old '68 bay for lunch brakes before I retrim'd it, it was cool sitting reading Volksworlds with workmates.

I go for random picknic's every now & then in the T25 as a supprise for the GF. I make some sarnies before she gets home from work, then nip out for a bit so she doesn't have to cook. She loves it.

We went to the river the other week with sandwiches, but I was still hungry. Out with the stove & a tin of ravioli, the look on peoples faces was a picture!

I have a nice 3 ring hob & mini oven ready for the Westy, so better meals will be on hand. ;)

It's good to kick back & relax from the fast pace of todays living.
If i have a barny with the wife, i just stroll outside, slide open and jump in the back, put my feet up and all is well again.

You just cant beat that classic VW camper smell when you get inside.

She usually joins me five minutes later :lol: , i could just sit in it for hours doing nothing.
Thats just one of the best pleasures of owning the van. I tend to take a nice easy drive through the lanes, pee off white van man, park up on the coast somewhere & put the kettle on. Bloody marvellous! :lol:

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