Don't you just HATE ignorant people

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2008
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Woodbridge, Suffolk
Year of Your Van(s)
Van Type
Westfalia pop-top
I don't know if i'm alone on this, but so many people are ignorant to the appeal of owning a VW bus. I'm a mechanic and work in a workshop with 7 other fitters and the amount of **** and stupid remarks i get said to me over my bay window is amazing. Such as ''why do you waste so much money on the thing?" And of course the legendy tree hugger jokes. The worst 1 for it, is the appentice we have named 'Dangerous'. Need i say more about his skills with a spanner. Its not just at work either, my next door neigbour is just as bad. Rich seeing as he's mid 40's and drives a subaru impreza, thats looks like a very bad attempt for a car for The Fast and Furious Tokyo drift :50: . Midlife crisis or what????

I don't know if these people are just jealous or totally unaware of the value of Type 2's. In my opinion it's each to there own. I'll will be the first to admit that mine is not mint, far from it, loads of patina. But underneath is soild plus it goes and stops fine.

If you don't like my van :fyou:
just tell, "listen here, MOUTH! I could sell this and buy two of those if I wanted!" :mrgreen:

or remind them that while the value of their "Mr.Averagemobile" or "I'mcravingmylostyouthmobile" is falling bythe day, an old VW appreciates in value!! :mrgreen:
I get this all the time at work, my bus is called "the shanty Wagon" I get loads of abuse, but i know they all love it really, i do get some abuse over my wheel fetish though! they dont understand what i do with 8 sets of wheels :p

Loads of people never get it, which is a shame. i had one bloke spot the bra on the front of my bus and say to his misses.........."Look they have put material on the bonnet!, what ever next!?"" :lol: :lol: :lol:

**** em, they are just jealous that you are to cool for school! 8)
People with no imagination dont get it but who want to know people with no imagination :lol:

Was called a gipo by two trailer trash sluts the other day, just thought to my self well when your pushing a pushchair around at 15 you will never be able to afford to take your kids camping in one of these.

I also take great pleasure in when people ask me why I drive an old van, in asking them how much their car etc has depreciated in the last year. I then tell them how much mine has increased in value over the last 4 year, that usual shuts them up. :mrgreen:
Westy Richardson said:
my next door neigbour is just as bad. Rich seeing as he's mid 40's and drives a subaru impreza, thats looks like a very bad attempt for a car for The Fast and Furious Tokyo drift :50: . Midlife crisis or what???? :

I know these people who don't understand other peoples interests :lol:
I know what you mean, Westy Richardson, and have experienced similar in the past, although I have to say all my workmates seem to have extremely good taste, as they absolutely love my bus (and it's no minter)!
Funny thing is, even though none of them are owners of buses, nor particularly 'enthusiasts' as such, I was quite chuffed when my manager came up to me a couple of weeks ago, to tell me that he had spotted the recent feature on my bus in his mate's VW C&C mag (I hadn't mentioned the article to anyone at work), and then just this morning someone else at work also told me he happened to be leafing through a copy, and spotted my bus! :D
to be honest who gives a ..... do you really want these people to be into the thing your into, we all love our busses for different reasons, personally I dont get the appreciation depreciation thing so it never evens factors in the old grey matter, just love your bus and give as good as you take banter wise..... I dont get most modern drives but then I have always liked the beauty and simplicity of the aircooled lump **** man if it breaks down on the side of the road I'm probably more likely to limp off home than most on the roads (or atleast if the bus was on the road)....

forget it, live your life and take "dangerous" round the back of the workshop and kick him in the nads cheeky fecker should be seen and not heard :roll:
I must be lucky, our neighbours my work colleagues think its great. But wouldn’t care if they didn’t as it just puts a smile :D on my face whenever I get behind the wheel. 8)
have hardly spoken to the two houses opposite mine since I moved in a year ago, get bus on the drive and it breaks the ice, chatting for ages. Walked down to the auto spares shop a week later, buy some proper fuel clips and mention they are for the bus and the guy says 'do you own the bay up the road, was admiring that the other day, I live just round the corner from you...'

Thankfully not everyone is ignorant and I know my neighbors better because of it :D
Gotta agree with what everyone says, 'different strokes for different folks'. I do hate ignorance though, fair enough if you don't like something but I always keep my opinion to myself.
Two best bits of advise..........
1) Araon's beating idea
2) :fyou:

I couldn't imagine my life without the Bus, it makes me smile every day when I get back from work and see it :mrgreen:
The people i work with take the piss all the time when i goto work in the van but when i'm not in it they all ask where it is, go figure.
Told 1 bloke the other day that it was worth the same if not more than his 53 plate Rav4, he laughed (so did i)
Each to there own though
People dont tend to like anyone different from themselfs, it get it in the neck all the time off people at work, both for driving a bus and for being vegan. In all honesty i dont care, i do what i enjoy cuz if i didnt then life realy would be crap! The world would be a very boring place if everybody was the same.
i'm glad not everybody gets it, but why do they have to say something ? i don't like the ladys face or fat arse who lives over the road from me but i've never told her. I get loads of kids makin comments :x
i tend to get, why porsche wheels? why so many? why dont you buy a new one? its never guna be done. why did you spend so long doing the front panel, then cut it of and buy a new one? inspiring votes of confidence. n thats from my mates and family. luckily my van has been off the road sooooo long ive got different neighbours now so they dont even know i have a bus. the down side of that is when it finnally reaches the road they will think i bought it like that. :D
ah f*ck em!!

I have had issues in the past but these days everyone wants to tell me how they would love one...not really bothered what my neighbours say to be honest as the family love the bus and thats all that matters
At the end of the day mate , if we all drove a silver Mondeo and wore a pinstripe suit and conformed to the "Norm" what a boring , two dimensional world this would be . Even within the VW scene and even on Earlybay , we all have differing opinions as to what is good bad or ugly and that is why in all our lineups at shows we have a great mix of vans and styles .
Keep the faith buddy , no disrespect meant but you are only 20 and as you go through life youwill find more and more of these people dissing what you do but follow the vision and BE YOURSELF do what you want not your neighbour , ( Who I have met and totally agree :lol: )
My missus says you should be proud of yourself to have such good taste at your age! and stuff em!!

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