fitted new doors s/hand t.gate
has new tp engine fitted
Audi tt seats, rewired dash, duckbill, eyebrows,chrome grill,aerial,retro radio uprated front speakers,wooden s.wheel,new battery,checker board rear floor, rendering old bed frame,running new wiring to leisure battery.......
2x new rear tyres still working out what size to fit to up front
so still work in progress.
Had water in tank so still trying to make sure fuel line +tank clear but think it's ok need so warmer weather as I've no garage.
has new tp engine fitted
Audi tt seats, rewired dash, duckbill, eyebrows,chrome grill,aerial,retro radio uprated front speakers,wooden s.wheel,new battery,checker board rear floor, rendering old bed frame,running new wiring to leisure battery.......

2x new rear tyres still working out what size to fit to up front
so still work in progress.
Had water in tank so still trying to make sure fuel line +tank clear but think it's ok need so warmer weather as I've no garage.