I bought a new engine blind as it was advertised as a 1641. It's been kicking around for a few weeks so I thought I'd take the afternoon off and get it ready to go in the bus. All new ignition parts, valve gaps set etc etc. it didn't have the holes drilled for the brace bar so I found a great how to on a web site and set about the task. Problemo!
The engine is an AB model 1300 twin port which must have had 1641 barrels/pistons/heads fitted. Now there is only one place to drill/tap for the brace bar to go on. This is the far left of the 3 mounting holes, which I did drill/tap M10.
So the question is will it be ok to fit the engine with just this one bolt holding the engine to the bar, if not any ideas?
The engine is an AB model 1300 twin port which must have had 1641 barrels/pistons/heads fitted. Now there is only one place to drill/tap for the brace bar to go on. This is the far left of the 3 mounting holes, which I did drill/tap M10.
So the question is will it be ok to fit the engine with just this one bolt holding the engine to the bar, if not any ideas?