Engine knackered :( advice on what to do next please...

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Active member
May 19, 2013
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So it went in for MOT and service today – the good news it got through the MOT with just a new headlight, the bad news is a long list of issues together with a 'knackered' engine which compiled issues of:

Engine has considerable end float- v.bad
Small metal pieces found in sump from engine oil- v.bad,
One of the nearside cylinder head pushrod tubes is leaking oil,
Offside rocker cover gasket leaking oil,
Nearside gearbox flange seal leaking,
Rear main seal leaking oil,

Vehicle Information Engine Information:
Oil pressure: Idle - 8 psi
Load (2500 rpm) - 45 psi

Engine compression test:
Cylinder: 1- 150 psi 2- 150 psi 3- 130 psi 4- 160 psi

A number of other things but the engine is the main issue. So I've been quoted somewhere in the region of 6-7k for a brand new 1600 engine fitted (advice was new over refurb). This seems a lot of cash and looking around (am based in London) the vw engine company in Catford look like they have a good thing going on.

Before I take the plunge can anyone recommend what I should do here – its a lovely van (bought it just over 2 years ago for 14.5k) 1600cc single port and although i dont use it a lot I dont want to do it on the super cheap and regret something later. Having said that this is a big surprise and i dont have a vw tree growing money!! I've been advised to just drive it and get the most out of it (that it could last a week or a few more thousand miles/years) and wait til the ultimate happens.

What should I get engine wise (stay 1600 or go a bit bigger/more power – a bit of a dream for me...) and how much should i be looking at investing in? vw engine company have great reviews and it looks like they trade old for new (or refurb?) and can remove and fit. I will call them tomorrow for details. Ideally id like to pay no more than half of what I was quoted above but dont know whether thats realistic or what that would get me.

Thanks in advance
You could replace the rocker cover gaskets, rear main seal and run the engine and see how you get on - cheap and easy option.
If it runs nice and isn't getting any worse it's probably what I would do.

Second option could involve fellows speed shop and a scooby engine conversion - they offer a drive in drive out service that takes around 3/4 weeks and costs around 5k

Third option replacement engine from the likes of heritage, comes warranted and can be built to your spec. Off the shelf solution for probably around £2500 for a 1600 and twin carb setup
Yeah new vw heritage engine £2,349.00 (not fitted though-not that I can see). Do they fit as well? Can't see anywhere on the site for fitting services.

Whats the view on here on the likes of thevwenginecompany.com – there's a lot of good reviews and positive feedback and turnkey prices (inc free install) is in the region of £1500 which is obviously a big saving. Just wondered whether this option was a big no no or could serve me well. The van does about 2k miles a year so its not a daily hack.

am I the only one thinking those compression figures aren't that bad..

Engine has considerable end float- v.bad - define considerable
Small metal pieces found in sump from engine oil- v.bad - could be value train, could be rockers, could be all sorts, might not be as bad as you think
One of the nearside cylinder head pushrod tubes is leaking oil - easily replaced
Offside rocker cover gasket leaking oil - easily replaced
Nearside gearbox flange seal leaking - not part of the engine. separate problem!
Rear main seal leaking oil - main seal can be replaced..

Vehicle Information Engine Information:
Oil pressure: Idle - 8 psi
Load (2500 rpm) - 45 psi

Engine compression test:
Cylinder: 1- 150 psi 2- 150 psi 3- 130 psi 4- 160 psi
I don't know much about the mechanics but it looks like a perfectionist has been at work here.

Most engines leak oil to a greater or lesser extent so to say it's leaking oil without an idea of the magnitude is not very helpful.

I'd start with Weeboll's summary and go from there.

6-7K for a stock engine is taking the ****, even with all new parts - mine cost a fair bit less than this and virtually everything was new.

I'd ask on this board as to recommended garages near you and get a second opinion
if you talk to a garage like I pm'd you they can get a discount and pass part of that onto you.

I've got a good new engine, been let down by some of the other old tinware!
Matt48 said:
new vw heritage engine fitted with new clutch 2k or just over, get it done in west sussex!!

This ^^

Whoever quoted you 6 to 7k - run away and never go back there again! They are con artists preying on people.
69calwesty said:
Yeah new vw heritage engine £2,349.00 (not fitted though-not that I can see). Do they fit as well? Can't see anywhere on the site for fitting services.

Yes we do offer a fitting service, you will need to call and speak to Paul S on 01273 444 000 or email [email protected]

He is our workshop manager and will be best placed to help/advise you. :mrgreen:
London prices are sky high diy it if you can or buy from a trusted trader on here best ask others about your trusted engine shop 1st! I would look at the cost of a new/refurb twinport engine don't forget about all the other parts that may be needed exhaust, heat exchangers new alternator etc etc & then the cost of a gearbox refurb does it add up! to

2k engine + 1k gearbox + 3k Labour ? leaving 1k for other parts lot of money to dish out.
When it comes to engines, I`m a little reserved when making a recommendation because of the amount of variables in the amount of new parts used. You don`t seem to do enough miles to warrant a huge motor / gearbox / brakes / everything else that needs to be changed to go bigger. I tossed up lots and lots of different plans and then I went with Heritage because of a few things, You know who they are, you know what they do, You know their reputation is as close to perfect as you can get, and you know they`ll be here next month or next year if you need them. Get a new one, bite the bullet, get it fitted, then you should never have to worry about another motor again with the amount of miles that you do 8) 8) 8)
Saying all of that, we`re in the middle of the summer now, so buy plenty of oil, enjoy the season, keep checking the oil every hundred or two hundred miles and get it sorted in the winter ready for next year, run it in in the spring, then perfect for the summer :mrgreen:
Talk to Heritage, fit and forget, enjoy ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,As Trikky says,,,, run before them wolves bite your ass off :shock: :shock: :lol: :shock: :shock:
Look around all vws leak...that means you have oil...your compression and oil pressures are good many times engines without compession and pressure continue to run a long while. I would consider doing maintenance and fix the obvious easily fixed items and leave the rest alone as long as your oil levels are full the leaks are just a nusuance. Does your motor get hot? Can you hold the dipstick after you've driven a ways?
rodgersbadassbus64 said:
Look around all vws leak...that means you have oil...your compression and oil pressures are good many times engines without compession and pressure continue to run a long while. I would consider doing maintenance and fix the obvious easily fixed items and leave the rest alone as long as your oil levels are full the leaks are just a nusuance. Does your motor get hot? Can you hold the dipstick after you've driven a ways?

That's bollocks, they didn't leak when they were new and they shouldn't now.
mine doesn't ..............leak, and being fair to the old one that didn't leak just ate a bit of oil.
rodgersbadassbus64 said:
Look around all vws leak...that means you have oil...your compression and oil pressures are good many times engines without compession and pressure continue to run a long while. I would consider doing maintenance and fix the obvious easily fixed items and leave the rest alone as long as your oil levels are full the leaks are just a nusuance. Does your motor get hot? Can you hold the dipstick after you've driven a ways?

What a total load of ****! My motor is 100% oil tight.
Alex VW Heritage said:
Yeah, sorry but Thirded, The myth they should leak is rubbish, if they are leaking its due to poor maintenance or an issue.

Yes, an issue of oil ;)
I may not totally agree with the commentarys but mines oil tight as well. A little heavy handed perhaps gents but we do like to stick up for our busses don`t we ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But I have had leaky ones :lol: :lol: :lol:
bottom line second and third opinion required. And then good luck but seek advice, ignore all of us drip free nutters!!!

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