Engine wiring help simple terms :/

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
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So as ur looking into engine bay on ur left i have a spare black wire thats long? Where does this go??
And on the right a have a cable that has a black and blue and green wire coming through where do these go?
Also directly under the regulator i have a very short unplugged brown wire where does this go?
I have carb that needs wiring and oil pressure
What wires should be going to the coil?
Have a Bentley but stupidly i left that at home :/
so i sorted the carb wiring,
and the blue/green wire coming from the right side (battery side) goes to oil pressure switch
what im left with is a black cable from the left side that comes from a different loom part to the light wiring,
and a black cable that comes from the same part of loom as the blue/green and is about the same length
what im thinking is that the black cable from same loom as blue\green is the one that goes to the coil?
Does this sound correct?
also i have a brown wire only long enough to connect to the regulator, where would this connect? onto the large spade connection?

the problem i have is that i bought the van with no engine or box and its had a new loom partially fitted prior to me buying.
so i still need to wire most of the dash up so i cant really connect battery to trace.
would a new loom have a wire or 2 not needed? im guessing it has?
here we go fella

print this off

http://www.thesamba.com/vw/archives/info/wiring/baybus_70b.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Brown is always used as an earth connection by VW, so if you have a dynamo and regulator on your engine then most likely the brown wire is the one from the D- on the dynamo to the regulator as in this picture. http://www.vintagebus.com/wiring/Transporter_from_August_1969-2.jpg

Also the black wire is very likely to be the ignition live to the + on the coil as you suspected. With the battery connected and the wire safe from touching chassis, you can check the wire is ignition live with a lamp or multimeter when you put the ignition on.

As for the other black wire, it could be one of a couple of things. You should have a black wire from the + on the coil to the fuel cutoff and on to the choke on the carb, maybe that? Or if you have reversing lights fitted then it is possible that it may be an ignition live feed from the + on the coil to the gearbox switch for them.

Good luck!
Ok guys think its sorted now the random black was off reverse light the blue/green was off oil and accompanying black went cool and school boy error the brown fits onto a wire going to fuel sender , thanks for your help appreciate it :)

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