Epilepsy, anyone suffer?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
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Near Winchester
I discovered recently that 1 in 120 people has epilepsy but until last year I had never known anyone with it or seen anyone have a seizure, it was a bit scary, just wondering if other people have experience or advice and wanted to share this ap.....

http://www.epdetect.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
My Mum is a controlled epileptic, Ive never known her have a siezure at any time ... we didnt know for years as she was brought up not to tell anyone as it was an embarrasment :( Shes never driven as a result ... not from a practical point, more a confidence issue. The good old days, huh?

Ive known a few folk lose licences temporaily after having attacks, too.
Thats reminded me J. my boys Dad had a friend who died from it, bless him he was very silly though never took his meds and drank far too much.

You would think you'd see it more often though if its 1 in 120, I'm sure the same number don't own busses and I see them all the time :? I guess its always on TV when there are flashing lights
Clem I think its still quite a taboo but not as bad as years back, apparently my Dad had seizures but his family still deny it now, he had a brain injury very young and died in his late 20's. My Mum still gets cross and says 'I know he did because I bloody saw him' People are weird :?

Sparky only a very small percentage of epileptics have a problem with lights I think maybe as low as 1%
type2tattoo said:
Thats reminded me J. my boys Dad had a friend who died from it, bless him he was very silly though never took his meds and drank far too much.

It was swimmng that did it to my mate. Swimming off hillhead beach, had a fit while quite a way out and went in the current. Nothing anyone could do.

I was diagnosed with Temporal lobe epilepsy back in '93 After just finishing
rebuilding an old roof chop beetle.
Basically I was dribbling on occasions and this was accompanied by
Weird smells like an over pungent deodorant I went to my GP and was referred.
I was gutted as I just got my bug back on the road and I lost my licence. :(
It took a year to get the drugs to work then I had to go another year "Fit-free" before I was allowed to drive again.
Regarding losing my licence, even my neurologist said the law was an ass as there are so many different types that affect people in different ways I never really regarded them as fits, Luckily everyone was really supportive before I was allowed to drive again and lets face it,
it was never my turn to drive when we went down the pub....lol.
Everything's been fine since, I even worked as a driving instructor for a couple
Of years.

I'm just glad it's nothing worse and always live chilled out as stress can be a factor.

Feel free to PM me if you want further advice/info

1 of my best mates Jason used to suffer from this. He had a fit at school, was bloody scary :-(

I am a sufferer but controlled by medication , Had my first seizure when i was 5 then no more until i was 12/13 going through puberty etc it all started off ! So i couldnt drive until i was 19 , i have now been fit free for 16 years long may it continue ,

I have only ever seen one person suffer an attack , not a nice experience !
Grazy said:
I have only ever seen one person suffer an attack , not a nice experience !

It was a very scary couple of minutes when my mate had his fit, buy he had always told me what to do if it happened and that was to hold him down so he doesn't hurt himself and to try and grab his tongue to stop him swallowing it. Easier said than done pinning a 15 stone bloke to the floor :-/ took 3 of us.

Afterwards though he got up like nothing had happened.

Hi Westy, I agree its very scary and your mate is pretty lucky to just get up and walk away, a full on tonic clonic (used to be called gran mal) seizure is hard work and very tiring like running a marathon and there is most likely a lot of confusion afterwards.Also advice has changed on how to treat people during a seizure and you really shouldn't put anything in their mouths, it is completely impossible to swallow your tongue despite it being a popular theory it can be very dangerous and in some cases fingers have been bitten off. Also its now advised to leave the patient and not hold them down unless they can hurt themselves, better to remove nearby sharp objects etc

I was told they are so scary because it is so unnatural but it seems its perfectly natural and lots of people deal with it on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing everyone :)

There are a lot of famous people with epilepsy too, Danny Glover, the Beckhams son Romeo and that fella who plays the elf in Lord of the Rings.... you know the baddy in Matrix :) x x x
Hey bit of light at the end of tunnel, not all bad news as i suffered nocturnal epilepsy after knock on the head playing rugby at 18. At the time it was the end of the world as just achieved boyhood ambition of going to join the army, just passed driving test and rugby was at a really good level. But only happens at night in deep sleep, not had a fit for 15 years and had full driving licence for years, and even went back to rugby. If youve just been diagnosed or know someone then you can take some positves, although i consider myself to be very lucky and appreciate there are people with much more severe day time siezures, if any one needs a chat about it if going through similar things then it really does help to talk and not to bottle things up, pm me if you need a bit of moral support.
bertiethebus said:
Lost my cousin to it, she was 25 with two kids and they found her in the bathroom, it was her first fit.

I'm so sorry to hear that, so tragic for the whole family :( My thoughts are with you and her poor children, you never stop missing your Mum <3 x x x

Gwyn Thankyou for your kind offer and glad you are sz free :) why are there no hug smilies ?

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