first time out

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
East anglia

First time out with the bus today !
Me n my boy :)
Took it out on my own to test it out. Run quite nicely. Strsnge driving a lhd for the first time. Gears will take a bit of getting used to but will b fine. Breaks not what im used to eather I think ill get my mechanic to check over but I must remember its a 45 year old motor... its not the wife's vw golf gti with disc breaks.
Second run I took my lad. Petrol low so off to petrol station for a refill. Up till then ran fine but when I went to restart it took 3 / 4 turns sounded like it wernt gonna run. Struggled to fire up. Not the battery its new. Ive new plugs n condenser . My machanic did mention a few weeks ago it may b worth cleaning the carb if theres any probs so may mention this issue to him.
Breaks and starting ... otherwise all good
Cant wait to get out again
Trim shack recons r n r bed cushion s and seat covers here in next week so happy days
Happy times :) they do take a while to get used to. It still feels strange the first few times after the winter a break, all the noises you get used to seem loud again!

Hot start should be turn it over whilst slowly pressing the accelerator down. Works every time for me but struggles if I don't do that!

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Hope this works. Link to fb. Wifes vid not great but u get the idea
All busses have their quirky points, you'll learn them the more you drive yours :) When restarting mine, when she's warm, I press down the accelerator before turning the key, she fires up straight away then...might be worth a try.

She a sweet bus though :)
Started first time n run great. Second run 30 min later to local garage. After refilling wouldnt start for couple of mins ??? . Then drove home fine. Could carb need a clean ?
they are offen tricky to start when warm,if i remember rightley its even mentioned in haynes manuel and one of the others,most dubs ive had have been the same some worse than others
Not an expert but try blipping the throttle before you turn her off. That way you fill the float chamber with fuel for the next start up. Or pump the throttle once before the beast fires up!!
who? said:
Not an expert but try blipping the throttle before you turn her off. That way you fill the float chamber with fuel for the next start up. Or pump the throttle once before the beast fires up!!
WHS^^^ looked into this once before ,haynes manual or web page, cant remember which but they say the fuel evaporates when the engine is hot causeing engine to be difficult to start ,i will try and find link :)
Yes please that would b great
I realise every bus is different im sure I will find the issues in mine but any advice is always helpful
My trusty instruction manual says:

"At temperatures above freezing point or when engine is still warm, depress accelerator pedal slowly while operating the starter. When engine is very warm, depress pedal fully but do not "pump" it"
Bus looks good mate, you will probably find you need to fit a Hot Start Relay, have a read here, this came up recently" onclick=";return false;

Thanks chap
I didn't know anything about the relays
Ill have to have a good look at the link. Are they easy to fit
It would make sence. When I started her up later to back her up in the garage she started up first time no probs
Easy, the idea is you use the existing wire that goes from the battery + to the ignition swith then all the way back to the solenoid as a switch wire on the relay, you then wire a large cable from the battery + through the relay to the solenoid, now when you turn the ignition key the old wire only pulls in the coil on the relay then the new cable supplies the solenoid with lots of Volts and the engine spins nice n fast 8)
First trips are always tops :D

And you'll get used to the lhd pretty quickly and soon find that your ambidextrous! Main trick is learning to change lanes, especially in a panel (lots of mirrors and counting cars!).

Bad starting is usually heat soak of some form. If it's slow turning over, it's the starter and try the relay trick but if it turns over fine but won't fire, it's fuel evaporation so try the throttle pedal ones. That said, ours has a lazy starter when hot and I find a full pedal down and up agin before turning the key usually means it catches second or third churn 8)
Yes first trip out was a buzz. Did the first on my own then went back for my lad :)
When hot starting it it did seem like the battery was struggling but the battery is new . Ill order a relay. If the weather is good this wk end ill get it out again n try the throttle advice.

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