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First time out with the bus today !
Me n my boy
Took it out on my own to test it out. Run quite nicely. Strsnge driving a lhd for the first time. Gears will take a bit of getting used to but will b fine. Breaks not what im used to eather I think ill get my mechanic to check over but I must remember its a 45 year old motor... its not the wife's vw golf gti with disc breaks.
Second run I took my lad. Petrol low so off to petrol station for a refill. Up till then ran fine but when I went to restart it took 3 / 4 turns sounded like it wernt gonna run. Struggled to fire up. Not the battery its new. Ive new plugs n condenser . My machanic did mention a few weeks ago it may b worth cleaning the carb if theres any probs so may mention this issue to him.
Breaks and starting ... otherwise all good
Cant wait to get out again
Trim shack recons r n r bed cushion s and seat covers here in next week so happy days