Fitting an immobiliser to a campervan

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Active member
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Whitley Bay
Last year I bought my first ever campervan, but have not yet been away in it.

With the spring weather seemingly hare already, I'm itching to get away, even if just for the odd weekend. With this in mind, I am keen to make my vehicle as secure as possible. being a walker, I'll be leaving the van at the roadside for several hours.

The previous owner had fitted a simple isolation switch, (similar to the Just Kampers Part Number: J11858) but I feel this isn't really secure enough.

A friend of a friend is an auto electrician, so whatever I buy he will fit for me, so I want to get something pretty decent.

Has anybody got any recommendations please ?

I think the type fitted in modern cars would be suitable, with the key fob activating the unit. Are these available for purchase ?

thanks in anticipation
if you bare in mind that the electrical circuit for starting a bus is a piece of piss to hot-wire, in fact you don't even need access to the cab of the bus, i doubt very much your immobiliser will be much of a deterrent.

a hidden fuel cut off or a more physical security device such as a crook lock/wheel clamp is a bit more suitable for an old bus in my opinion
sjc said:
if you bare in mind that the electrical circuit for starting a bus is a piece of piss to hot-wire, in fact you don't even need access to the cab of the bus, i doubt very much your immobiliser will be much of a deterrent.

a hidden fuel cut off or a more physical security device such as a crook lock/wheel clamp is a bit more suitable for an old bus in my opinion

I'm of the same opinion.
Can anyone recommend a steering wheel crook lock that will fit an EB steering wheel?

Used to have a big yellow fully enclosed one but cant bloody find it to check if it would fit!

Got one of these


From Ubercool on here , great bit of kit, not sure if hes making anymore, you could try and pm him to see?

We use one of these, nat and secure but probably only works with alloys" onclick=";return false;
middle HT lead from dizzy cap to coil. rotor arm.

it may be worth having something visible as a deterrant - clamp, Uber secure pedal clamp

then something to make sure they cant steal it even if they want to give it a go - like a hidden fuel pump switch if you have electric pump, rotor arm, HT Lead etc

-alarm with text/keyfob messaging so you know when someone tries to break in, and you can go give 'em a slap.
-hidden cut-off switch, not under dash! everyone looks there, in case opportunist sticks a screwdriver in the ignition.
-steering lock/wheel lock/both, so stop people thinking of your car as a target.
-remove rotor from dizzy, it's unlikely a thief would carry one or check.
-"Tracker" brand VHF tracker, as it's the only one the police use- "Tracker" call you if the car's moved without the jobber being deactivated, and the police just go get your car (hopefully!).
i would imagine the best security would be a steering lock with wheel at full lock and then a clamp on the rear wheel
then you aren't going to tow it easily from the front or back. you won't have a lot of fun trying to drive off etc.
But if someone really wants your van then i would expect they will find a way. Thieves unfortunately have cottened on to the fact that our busses are valuable in parts or whole so its worth the effort to them.
Think i will stick to the 2 angry dogs in the bus and being too low to tow trick works quite well for me :lol:
Humphrey said:
...they just put skate trollies under the wheels.
maybe chain it to a lampost then? :lol:
as i said if anyone's determined enough they will have it no matter what you do
I really like the look of the Uber-secure lock. I found Uber Cool's website selling them here and have ordered mine. :)
I just take the king lead off and put it in my pocket. Not that anyone would wanna steal my beat up bus over say an M3 or something :lol:

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