Forum Etiquette......

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Graham L

Well-known member
Jan 19, 2008
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Hightop Panel
Been meaning to write this for a few weeks and another post has just prompted me to get around to doing it.

Earlybay has always been a great place to come and view, read, chat and generally discuss all things early bay but of late it appears that some people would like to use the forum for their own gain and to back bite at other users and suppliers and this is to the detriment of the site and the good guys that run it and moderate it.

Think before you post
Is it relavant to this forum, this is happening more and more that the general section in particular has turned into a scaled down version of a VZI style forum. The general section was intended for just that general questions and info about early bays but not technical questions, its not difficult is it?. Do we need to know what car you intend to buy, where to buy discount kitchens :lol: :lol: etc etc, come on guys & gals, early bay related as much as possible

Search before you post
This forum has a working search engine that works really well, type in what you are looking for and I'm sure answers to most of the common questions will be answered, hardly anyone seems to use the function and it ends up with the same questions being asked over and over again, whilst I understand new members may not have seen the function it does keep being mentioned by people but still the same questions come up. Try it do a search for 'Importing a bus' I can guarentee you will find all the info you need :)

Is what you are posting damaging to the forum
As an ex moderator of another forum this is a thankless task, every mod has a day job and a life and should not be having to spend their own time having to edit and remove posts that are not only threatening to the people concerned but to the forums existence. If you have a gripe about someone or a supplier then pick up the phone and talk to them, don't air your dirty laundry on here, it gives the forum itself a bad name and the owners and mods can be liable for allowing such posts to stay on line for any period of time if its damaging to someones reputation and they can be sued so just take a step back and think about what impact your potential post is going to make before you post,

This is a great forum but it only survives by the members that post on it and what they post, if we descend into a VZI style of forum then we are all going to lose the great EB resource that it has become over the last 6-7 years and this would be a great shame. A few of the long serving members who have all the knowledge are now drifting away and not posting and this is a real shame and having chatted to a few of them its because of the irresponsible posts that are being made.

I know a few people will be offended by this but felt it needed to be said.....................

........but remember think before you post!
Graham L said:
Think before you post
Is it relavant to this forum, this is happening more and more that the general section in particular has turned into a scaled down version of a VZI style forum. The general section was intended for just that general questions and info about early bays but not technical questions, its not difficult is it?. Do we need to know what car you intend to buy, where to buy discount kitchens :lol: :lol: etc etc, come on guys & gals, early bay related as much as possible

Good post. Is it worth getting a more general general chat? I think as a community there may be other (non early bay) things people want to talk about or get advice on. At least that way it would be separated and people can ignore the more general chit chat if they're not interested.
Well said graham .... I use the search engine quite a lot it's a great help ;)

Lets keep this forum friendly and helpful :D

Agreed. I may not post that often but I check in and read regularly and have been a little surprised by some posts of late. And totally agree about the search function, there is so much info stored away on here that has helped me over the past few years.
And it would stop people asking the oil question again. And again. And again...
Chill out man its only a forum.

It evolves throughout time, people leave people join.

Real friendships continue outside of this place, we are all part of the same interest ( i refuse to use the word sc**e) some are know it alls some are know fuck alls.

And import laws change sometimes. Yes i did search....


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Sausage said:
And it would stop people asking the oil question again. And again. And again...

Why, what's the best oil then :?:

:msn4: sorry :msn4:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
It is only a forum but the legal implications are true as I've been there before and wouldn't wish that on any of the mods or Johnny so I stick by what I've posted......

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That's true. And i support your concern.

I just find it slightly pretentious.

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Sorry why is it pretentious? I posted my views about the way the forum appears to be heading and having chatted to other users they also feel that some recent posts have done harm to the forum and its reputation, whenever the mods feel the need to moderate then users have overstepped the mark.
This doesn't look good to users who are trying to genuinely find info out about earlybays.

But of course this is only my point of view.

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Graham L said:
It is only a forum but the legal implications are true as I've been there before and wouldn't wish that on any of the mods or Johnny so I stick by what I've posted......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well that's not quite true but I get the sentiment.
Provided people aren't overly sensitive to what others post I agree with your OP. 'Other' forums are far too hostile, which is why I enjoy coming here. But as I've said before, suppliers and other VW related businesses/people can't be off limits to criticism.
Thanks for the support Graham, and others :D

It's been difficult lately at times, treading the line between censorship and keeping the peace in some areas, you know someone will always end up a bit miffed but overall just trying to keep the place ticking along happily.

Regarding any supplier or trader being on or off limits, I take the line that any fair criticism is fair enough, but the two things that generally don't go down well are -

Someone complaining about parts or service received when they haven't yet given the trader or supplier chance to deal with it. Even if that matter then gets resolved the thread is there, on the net, waiting to be Googled, and the negative press is always the first thing that gets read. In my mind that's not fair.

The other thing is folk piling into threads having read one side of a story and expressing voiciferous opinions. No one knows what's gone on, or been said except those directly involved. I appreciate that it can be easy to form an opinion, but life is often not so straightforward. My line in general on such is that unless someone has direct experience of a trader, supplier or deal that's 'gone bad' then they should refrain from comment.

The rest? Threads in the wrong place, reposts, chat on for sale ads and those fecking kitchen scammers .... well that just Internet forum life :lol:

Anyways, lets think before we post and keep this an inclusive and happy place. :D Cheers guys.
Clem said:
Thanks for the support Graham, and others :D

It's been difficult lately at times, treading the line between censorship and keeping the peace in some areas, you know someone will always end up a bit miffed but overall just trying to keep the place ticking along happily.

Regarding any supplier or trader being on or off limits, I take the line that any fair criticism is fair enough, but the two things that generally don't go down well are -

Someone complaining about parts or service received when they haven't yet given the trader or supplier chance to deal with it. Even if that matter then gets resolved the thread is there, on the net, waiting to be Googled, and the negative press is always the first thing that gets read. In my mind that's not fair.

The other thing is folk piling into threads having read one side of a story and expressing voiciferous opinions. No one knows what's gone on, or been said except those directly involved. I appreciate that it can be easy to form an opinion, but life is often not so straightforward. My line in general on such is that unless someone has direct experience of a trader, supplier or deal that's 'gone bad' then they should refrain from comment.

The rest? Threads in the wrong place, reposts, chat on for sale ads and those fecking kitchen scammers .... well that just Internet forum life :lol:

Anyways, lets think before we post and keep this an inclusive and happy place. :D Cheers guys.

Well said.
this is the only forum that i've ever joined - part of that, i'm sure, is because i'm far less knoweldegable about what i'm doing to the bus than i am with most of my other interests, but, in the main, it's because the enthusiasm is genuine, the knowledge and support is real and, it seems, endless.

I used to browse pistonheads and singletrack regualarly in the past, but nearly all the general posts descend into name calling, taking the piss about punctation or spelling or some internet warrior flexing his (i assume) muscles and taking issue with the minutae of the post rather than the main thrust of the issue.

I get the point of this post, and it seems reasonable and fair to me. It's clearly written carefully so as not to offend, but to encourage people to recognise the benefits, flexibility and openness of the forum.

just my two penneth as a regular user but casual poster
Whilst I agree with the general sentiment of Grahams post I do have my own opion on some of his points. (which I am now obviously going to share... :) )

If you have a general area that is only for general EB topics you will lose a lot of the personality of the forum. You need to have general chit chat to build relationships, and to create some atmosphere on a forum. Remove that and you may as well just have a reference site that only a very small handful of people post on.

Regarding the search function, I have replied to a fair few posts with links to posts on here because having been on here for a while you get to remember other threads etc. But I do use the search function alot and it can be very difficult to find what you are looking for, unless you know exactly what to search for if that makes sense.

I am one of the ones you refer to about asking questions on how to import a bus. Ater searching the numerous threads on here I still was unsure what I need to complete on the reg form, as it turns out not a lot and was a lot easier...

Anyway there’s my thoughts, this is one of 2 forums I visit on a regular basis - although I have lost complete interest in my bus at the moment so I don't come on here that often. But when I do, I remember that it is a cool and laid back place to pass the time.

Please don't kill that off by making EB too regimented. Johnny, Clem, Easy, Faux etc do a brilliant job of keeping this place informal, informative and fun.

Don't ruin it.
I agree with most of this, although if people searched for answers rather than ask questions and shared views only earlybay related this place would be awfully quiet at times. After all, if you don't want to read about things non earlybay related don't open that thread. I don't mean to sound like an arse but isn't this an open forum?

I'm always very grateful to read of people's good and bad experiences with company's and quality of items so that I know where to spend my pennies.

Again ,I don't mean to sound like an arse, just my view.

If in any doubt pm a mod or someone first, it will save time and a fuck load of abuse in the long run 8)
Just so theres no confusion I wasnt pointing the finger at anyone about asking questions and i used the 'importing a bus' one as an example as it appears to be one of the very frequent topics and last time I looked at the search function there was over 400 posts spread across 24 pages.

I'm quite happy to answer questions as I've imported more than most people on this forum both commercially and privately, the point I was trying to make was its always worth checking first and its a great under used resource.

I also agree about some banter and creating friendships, I camped with 10 other bus owners at Big Bang that I met on this very forum and count all of them as true friends. Without this forum I wouldn't have met any of them and would not have set up MEB.

I'm just concerned that theres been a gradual trend towards having a go at users on the forum and suppliers and us only ever hearing one side of the story, or perhaps its just me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll go back and sit on the naughty chair in the corner along with Ollie and a few others :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My comment on importing a bus was meant tongue in cheak but with a serious point that some subjects are difficult to search for - there is a ton of info on here and trying to wade through to find what you want can often be difficult, plus you are usually depserate for an answer and after scratching your head looking at the search reults adopt the "oh fuck it" attitude and just post a request for help :)

No need for the naughty step unless you have been using a childs skooter to drop from the roof of your bus...


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