front indicator seals which order .

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
norfolk/suffolk border
Hi all ,
this being my first early bay and the indicators off when i got it, I now need to refit them to my newly painted bus .

does it go housing first screwed to body then seal then lense or seal then housing then lense ! ,

just wondered as i thought there would have been a seal between the housing and my new paint :? but with the seal on first the screws dont seem long enough .

john :mrgreen:
yes the seal fits to the metal back housing which is screwed using size 12 selftappers 1inch long

then the lense fits into the seal [there's a lip that seal this] and then the stainless screws hold the lense on.

also there is a right and wrong way for housing to fit, trial fit the lense and you'll see what I mean. If you still get confused which way the lense is then look in the gallery!!

cheers !
I have just seen that the seal has a lip and it actually fits over the edge of the housing which i didnt realise . still cant get the self tappers that i got from volksbolts to fit as they are just a little too short . .