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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2013
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Hi folks :)
I've read all the threads on fuel gauge problems but just need to be clear on a few things before cutting a big hole in my Van :roll:
My fuel gauge has decided to stop working, it never worked brilliantly to start with, jumping about a little.
I've recently run the tank almost dry, and after filling it doesn't seem to register any fuel!
Could the float be stuck? should i rack up a few miles hoping it will free up?
I checked the gauge as suggested on other threads by earthing it out on the back of the dash, and the needle jumps to full.
Also when the ignition is off the needle is far left as can be, but when the ignition is switched on the needle moves about 5mm to the right (to the empty position on the scale? (does this mean the gauge is ok? are there any other checks?)
Is there a way of checking the sender before i go hacking my poor van to bits?
I have a multimeter handy, but not sure how to test the sender, i was hoping there would be a simple check that involves checking the wire from the back of the gauge to the sender unit?
Please help before the van gets the dreaded sender removal hole hacked out out of it.
Many thanks.
From the checks you have completed Your sender is at fault and not the gauge.
Personally I couldn't bring myself to cut a hatch in my van so I dropped the engine and tank and replaced the sender that way.
Whilst I had the tank out i painted the tank as it had surface rust on it and wax oil in the enclosure the tank sits in helping rust proof the area for the future.

Before you go doing anything I would make sure you can get a sender as they have became very hard to get hold of ( a VDO sender that is)
Well after a lot of reading on various threads, I'm going to look into testing the regulator/vibrator on the back of the fuel gauge.
Not sure if there's an easy way to test it, as most of the threads seem to mention using analogue volt meters????
If that's all ok then I'm going for the access panel and change the sender unit, providing heratige can supply one.
Any advice on testing the regulator is much appreciated.
What's your chassis number?
If it pre-dates 213 2166 508 (which it may well do judging from the title to this thread) you won't have a regulator in the first place!
Mine did the same thing.
And after a fair few conversations with various people in the no,I bought a new one and took the engine and tank out and replacing it.
Definatly an Easyer option to be honest.and that's coming from a guy that doesn't really do car maintenance easily.haha
vwed said:
What's your chassis number?
If it pre-dates 213 2166 508 (which it may well do judging from the title to this thread) you won't have a regulator in the first place!

Thanks, I think your right I'll check this weekend.
Any other checks I can do that you can think of other than earthing out the gauge checking the needle moves to full and removing the sender cable checking the needle drops back
Don't sweat about cutting an inspection hole, its not that difficult really.
Did one this weekend as I have the same issues as you with the sender.

Use something like a dremel with a little cutting disc to make a slot then drop in a jigsaw to cut out the hole.
The jigsaw wont get near the fuel tank and doesn't create any sparks, just go slow and steady.


Just got to fabricate a cover now for the hole!
its really not that hard to pull the engine on an earlybay, it comes straight out the back on a trolley jack, half hour and its out...

while it is you can check things you cant access and change the fuel line/filter in tank, check filler neck rubber, clutch wear etc etc etc etc

cutting holes isn't needed and how many times are you likely to change a sender??
I'm on my second fuel sender in less than a year! Once the holes cut changing them is easy.
Well now I'm even more confused, playing around with the gauge and noticed that when I pulled the main earth wires off to the dash pod that the fuel gauge registered half full???
With ignition on. But when I started the engine the fuel gauge flys to the right and holds there??
Got a feeling there is some kind of electrickery going on!
Any of you experienced this kind of supernatural happenings?
Auto electrics are very weird!
Maybe I have a short circuit or bad earth?
Well after a lot of contemplating, I decided to cut the access hole and made a rather nice patch panel, run a couple of tests on the fuel sender and found it was buggered, bought a new one from heratige, vdo type.
And hey presto she works great!!!!
And if I ever need to get there again it'll be nice and easy :0)
Thanks for all your advice.
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