Fuel Pump not working

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Well-known member
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Sep 15, 2013
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Batley, it's God awful!
I have a fuel pump that is not pumping similar to the image below, any ideas? Tomoorow i shall ring round and see if any does service kits - just thought someone could point me in the right direction for a plan of action - I don't like those new fangled electrotrickery ones.
If it's a replacement pump then you will probably find the rod (now made of monkey metal) is a lot shorter than the 104mm it should be :roll: get a new one or better still find an old original
subheatadey said:
I don't want to replace the little darling I want to fix it and nurse it back to health like everything else on this foooking bus

The point is if it's a replacement unit then it's not worth spending time/money on as they are junk
That does look like an original one Ade, the new ones aren`t serviceable or pull apartable either which is ok as they don`t last very long anyhow. Might be worth checking the rod length first just in case, as mentioned ,,, all the new ones are made of swiss cheese or chocolate or a mixture of both :shock: Not sure who would stock a reload kit for one but I`d give mega bug a tinkle or Alex at heritage, because if he can`t help, I`m reasonably confident he would point you in the right direction of where one might be :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Older is better with pumps :mrgreen:
Bought a similar one from VWHeritage. They also stock a service kit containing a new diaphragm if memory serves. Fitted it and all seems well so far.
That's the puzzler as the diaphragm seems OK, I shall see if i can get hold of a service kit - the springs seems pretty weak but I don't know what/if regarding service kits for these? I do't like twanging stuff if it can be fettled.
I think i may know the problem the road i have is 108 mm which is too long I know, Its interesting they only sell 100 mm (alternator) and 108 mm (generator) I think i shall cut a 108 mm rod to 104 mm and give that ago and then take it down a mill or two, the total travel of the cam is 4mm i believe I think 102 mm may be about the right length?

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