Heater Blower Relay OEM 211-963-141 - replacement part

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Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello all
Nearly sorted my heating on my bus, exchangers in working order, wiring working, fan working but the relay has failed. Problem is nobody sells this part as VW have stopped producing them. So I call out for help, is their a replacement relay I can use to replace this faulty one, or has anybody got a working one for sale ?

fingers crossed someone can help before the winter kicks in and I freeze at the steering wheel on my commute to work :msn4:

Hi Stu

Had a search and we cant help but did find the following:

http://www.aircooled-museum.com/achat-t2-t1-heater-relay-211-963-141-399070.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Hope that helps.
You have an additional heater blower? My bus doesn't and the heat still comes through at a decent rate. Where is your fan mounted?
Sorry for the delay in reply, no at the moment I don't have an additional blower heater, that's for next year. Regarding the relay I purchased a cheap 4 pin make and break relay for £2.50 wired this in and now all working. Well at least now I get some warm air flowing when im sitting in traffic :)
If you had the same issues as me and couldn't fine a replacement relay, as I say just purchase a standard 40amp Type B 4 pin make and break relay for around £2.50. I would upload the image of the layout but im getting "the board attachment quota has been reached", so as a secondary option try this:

A to new 86 (blue to voltage regulator)
J+B to new 87 (yellow and black to blower)
31 to new 85 (brown to cab switched earth)
30 to new M (red with inline fuse)
Yes sorry I do have a blower fan in the engine bay.
It is the type 4 engine in a 71 / 72 crossover as well


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