help!!! should i? or should'nt i?

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Help! ive got myself a 68 panel van ; its got 98 % of its original paint but its sun bleached and surface rust in places'' it very straight although the from panel has a few dents , now' my problem is ''' should i paint her? i had a ratty danbury last rear ' but i fancy something shiney this year.. but im getting a mixed reaction of my friends.. should i paint her or not?///?
i can't cope with these threads :?

no offense, but i've liked pretty much the same things since i was old enough to think... since i developed a consciousness... it stays the same from day to day, year to year, like the tides and the setting of the sun.

ratty one minute, shiny the next ? i can't compute that, so i'm no help :roll:

don't wreck another OG paint bus though, if you can see it in your heart to restore something else.

that said, children are starving to death all over the planet as i type, so what does it matter, really ?

one day we'll all be dust.

every van should be evaluated for what it is..personally i`d repaint in the original colour if the paint is thin...lets face it this is the uk salt, rain, snow, more salt....paint it..
scott ducks for cover :roll:
the councillor said:
scott wilson said:
lets face it this is the uk salt, rain, snow, more salt....paint it..

what about if you just dismantle it and leave it in a garage

That's what I like to do. most proud of the last project, stripped it in 96 and sold it in 2007 in boxes (triumph spitfire) managed to have some in the loft, some at the parents garage and some at my sisters house. spread across about 50 miles.

Stripped vehicles take up so much room :shock: makes you realise how clever the designers are to get all those bits into one small box :mrgreen:
uber cool said:
Stripped vehicles take up so much room :shock:

talk about an oasis-like capturing of the zeitgeist :shock:

i was just thinking about this the other day... i've got to secrete a never to be driven, never to be sold beetle about the property... but where ? they're just full of... stuff :roll:
oh, back to the original thread, we need a picture to decide, but I'd lean towards keeping it original.
uber cool said:
Christ, now I need wikipedia to translate your posts, however still non the wiser :shock:

oasis, their capturing of the zeitgeist circa '95 and their otherwise inexplicable rise to global superstardom.


it's just that, oasis were (are) ****.

i mean, i'm not knocking them (eh ?) i've got a few of their *hit records* we went to knebworth and all that for the craic as it were, but there was just something about them, at that precise moment in time, and a shift in the tectonic plates of popular culture, 'lad' culture, call it what you will, that enabled them to become mega mega mega successful when let's face it all they were was a bunch of manc chancers with an eye for a pair of trainers (shamelessly borrowed from liverpool fc terrace 'culture') and an ear for a good tune (shamelessly borrowed from, er, the beatles. oh yeah, and slade).

you could play any of their songs from, say, the first three albums to a bloke who'd been, i dunno, away in space and time, planet of the apes stylee and he'd be tapping his feet, maybe chuckling a bit at how openly shameless they seemed to be when it came to having an original thought, but if you then showed this ersatz ape-man a glimpse of where they are today, with the models and the limos and the castles built exclusively from blackcurrant fruit pastilles he'd probably just laugh and say you were mental.

see also 'our friends in the north' :roll:
I see :shock: (non the wiser really!)

I thought you meant as in....

Oasis- a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well
Without pics its impossible to conjecture, with pics its bloody difficult, your looking at it in the flesh you can see what it is what it needs and you know what you want deep down, **** anyone else to be honest its your bus your money why seek anothers approval....

But a bit of time with the hammers and some ankor wax 8)
You could cover it in Anchor wax, but it is almost impossible to get it off, so once it's on, it's staying OG.

My van was 50%, by the time I had blown a few bit's in, it would look like all the other imports floating around. I got a good deal from my painter so had it all done. My pop top was hammered & really needed sorting out. It looks great now.


Only you can decide.

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