Hhhmm Pretty poor underneath .... to say the least!

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Active member
May 21, 2011
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Well got under the camper today ... some poor patchwork been done, but what worry's me is the front of the main chassis... It's shot. Can you buy replacement chassis legs ( if that's what you call it? )
Anyone a clue how much it may cost me?


Can it be saved more importantly?
tequila said:
Well got under the camper today ... some poor patchwork been done, but what worry's me is the front of the main chassis... It's shot. Can you buy replacement chassis legs ( if that's what you call it? )
Anyone a clue how much it may cost me?




Can it be saved more importantly?
Anything can be saved :evil:
Seen worse :(

It can be saved, but plenty of work and time - will you be paying someone to do it or will it be you?
Thats noy that bad I would look at patching properly and it will be fine mind you a lot easier when you flip it on its side. Could not tell how much to repair as I found its a lot cheaper to do it yourself
Never tried welding ... I might for the topside but don't think I would want to risk the underside to be honest, so yeah I'll be paying someone to do it.
Is there actually a section you can buy does anyone know?
Hey there,, I think we`ve all seen worse,, ask `Happy Stamps`, he`s undertaken a project and a half and it sounds like he`s doing a great job. Not 100% sure if you can get new sections, but secondhand ones come up fairly frequently, and some of the dealers on this forum list them every so often. If I was going the 2nd hand route, I think I`d be looking for imported sections where you gotta good chance of there being some meat left on the bones. Might be a nice time to learn a bit of welding ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,Start on the heavyweight stuff,, :mrgreen:
to be honest welding the underside is probably easier than the top, thicker steel so less chance of blowing holes etc

Also its pretty much cut out, make new, fill with weld, up top you gotta watch for warping etc

I hadnt welded in years so pretty much starting again, once you get a feel for it, it gets easier

As for replacement panels etc, loads of palces do em and chassis just use thick enough sheet steel ( i trimmed mine with an angle grinder when making patches as i didnt have guillotine heavy enough)
Nugsy said:
to be honest welding the underside is probably easier than the top, thicker steel so less chance of blowing holes etc

Very true this.

I would get the grinder out and chop out the grot and see what your left with. It doesnt look like your into the realms of replacement panels/sections. Buy yourself some 2mm steel, shape and bend yourself and book a mobile welder to do the work. Using a car roller/rotissorie is the easiest if you want to have a crack yourself, but I doesnt look like theres enough work to warrant that...

Not much to worry about there anyway, good luck and let us know how you get on!

Start cleaning the crap and underseal away and you'll get a better picture, but to be honest it doesnt look that bad......now my 74 westy that was bad :shock:
you can buy a repair panel for the outer leg but to be honest i wouldn't bother, it's only a length of box section. You may as well get some plate and make it for the money it costs. The inner ones with the steering box on etc can't be brought new...

They do crop up as body cuts on ebay from time to time but they are priced anywhere between 300-500 for the pair which is a piss take really.

I found a 10p hole in mine as well as dodgy patches. they turned out to be serveral layers of repair thick lol,...

see my thread if your interested http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=28355
Some great work there Bluenose....

I have a guy coming over to take a look tomorrow and give me a lowdown on all the welding required ... guess I'll make a decision after that on which way to go!
Give us a bell at work.....01457 854267 it schofields we have both sides in......rot free from south africa......from the front jacking points forward.