Trikky2 said:
Amazing artwork. Whats the story?
Anyone who has been to Pakistan knows that the sight of a fully decorated Pakistani truck is unforgettable. A truck embellished from bumper to bumper with paint and colorful, sculpted metal is expressive and captivating in ways that few other artistic media can duplicate. Decorated Pakistani trucks declare a dazzling, exuberant artistry that is unmatched on vehicles anywhere else in the world.
Pakistani truck art takes two forms— "Murals" (painted scenes) and “Decoration Pieces.”
These "Decoration Pieces" typically adorn a truck’s side carriage and are placed on top of a mural or painting. Ranging in size from less than a square foot to more than six feet, decoration pieces are often the flashiest part of a fully embellished Pakistani truck.
Consisting of a metal base covered with colorful reflective vinly tapes (such as high quality 3M reflective vinly tapes), which are called "chamak patty" (Reflective Tape) in local language (Urdu). These "Deocration Pieces" are then further highlighted with mirrors or studs and are shaped to represent any of the truck art motifs, such as birds, fish, and flowers etc.
A "Decoration Piece" is an important flourish on the truck because the artistic materials make the piece the most reflective part of the vehicle. There is no Urdu word for decoration piece, and both truck drivers and truck artists will use the English term i.e. "Decoration Piece."
These Hubcaps are then decorated by the local workmen mastered in their trade, with thousands of tiny cut out pieces of top quality 3M reflective vinly tapes of a vast color range (virtually as many color combinations are possible as many are available in 3M) to match your Volkswagen's color stock/custom schematic.
LaineyW said:
Wow! They're pretty funky!
Yeah sure they are
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