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ha ha you've saved me having to start this thread :mrgreen:

i guess i've been in denial about this for as long as i've owned a bus, but now they've finally built something which ticks ALL my boxes i can come out and admit it...

T2/3D rule.

paul medhurst rules.

ballz, beaker, that charlie charles bloke who for reasons i can't fully explain on here looks like the sort of bloke it'd be really cool to be mates with (others feel this way; it's not just me).

everything they do, everything they build... it just shouts "class"

i want to work for them... no, i'd get laid off for not being good enough... no worries, i'd offer to do the cleaning... it's ok, we've got a cleaner... right, i'll be the tea boy... boy ? you're 40, and besides we've got that work experience lad in who makes a decent brew... OK OK FORGET IT... I KNOW WHERE I'M NOT WANTED :evil:

that's how lamborghini started i believe :roll:

anyway, back to T2D... the coolest bus on the planet... fair play to them i say 8)

The end. 8)
some vaseline and a box of tissues Councillor? :lol: or are you looking a slam job done on the cheap :D

if it was 'early' it would be perfect 8)

id like to see some more of the gubbings, anyone?
Johnny said:
id like to see some more of the gubbings, anyone?

It was 'shut' whenever I went by, and it was too darn low to take pics!

Ill keep check on the blogs to see if they show any :D
Johnny said:
some vaseline and a box of tissues Councillor? :lol: or are you looking a slam job done on the cheap :D

if it was 'early' it would be perfect 8)

id like to see some more of the gubbings, anyone?

a) and how... i'm obsessed with it and the 'danger wank' quota has gone up a notch in our house :oops:

b) just messing... it's only an old bus for heaven's sake, as i told MY councellor this afternoon :lol:

c) lowering is cheap as chips in my world... talking about a job is free after all...

d) it couldn't be early... don't you see that ?

like when all the talk was of sub 18 second splitties and BWA this and elitism that and how bays were only good for towing splitties to the racetrack and then mark prosser and paul hamilton came along and that was that little bubble burst wasn't it... the world's lowest bay is a fat chick... deal with it :twisted:

e) keep the gubbins secret :? seriously though... see my 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' post the other day... if seeing a bus like that inspires the helen keller brigade to break out the angle grinders on their springplates then maybe it'd be better kept under wraps...

that's not aimed at you by the way but you know what i mean :wink:
There is a certain beauty in it being a late bay .... such a cool ride but when I first saw the van as purchased by Matt Ballz on the Blog, it was the ugliest bus youve ever seen.
Some amazing work later, although the exterior is much the same, and its the coolest!

It 'is' all about the stance!
Johnny said:
some vaseline and a box of tissues Councillor? :lol: or are you looking a slam job done on the cheap :D

if it was 'early' it would be perfect 8)

id like to see some more of the gubbings, anyone?

Gubbings? Like what?


Dont worry councillor i have thick skin, i hope you have too as i meant no disrespect :wink:

im not a mechanic, ergo, i dont see why it couldnt be early? :?

EgoTrippin said:
Seems like I'm the only one not really digging this :(

umm no.....

by 'gubbings' i mean whats engine is it running? and interior? what other mods were required? engine, gearbox, notching etc?

i really cant bring myself to like anything late no matter how low.... sorry :?
Johnny said:
Dont worry councillor i have thick skin, i hope you have too as i meant no disrespect :wink:

im not a mechanic, ergo, i dont see why it couldnt be early? :?

i really cant bring myself to like anything late no matter how low.... sorry :?

regarding the thickness of my skin... i was actually late picking my boy up from school today (a big thing in our world let me tell you) because i was being berated by a local resident over the inaccessibly steep gradient of the pathway leading onto our KG5 with regard to wheelchair access... like it's my fault :?

that's real-life however and this is a kind of virtual 'la la land' so you can type pretty much anything you like about me here, although if i'm honest people from the south pretending to be supporters of manchester united get pretty short shrift on other forums, especially when they start spouting nonsense about liverpool football club :wink:

with regard to the early / late aspect of the ballz body drop bus, it's part gentle teasing on my part and part based in fact (or opinion i guess ?)

i find the whole early bay phenomenon a bit of a puzzle, if only because i used to go on forums when they were just 'bays' as in a starter model for people wanting to one day upgrade to a 'cool' vw bus... then my computer broke down, and when i finally got round to buying a new one bays were cool, which is nice, if you're into seeking acceptance from mainstream culture, but only if their bumpers were a certain shape :shock:

oh... that's me ruled out then... curses :?

anyway, the phenomenon has taken hold to the extent that you actually see 'for sale 1969 early bay' adverts like it's some sort of USP (did they make late bays as well in 1969 ?) and why not by the way... early bays are magnificent, and as a 'late' guest on this most incredible forum of 'earlies' due mainly to the grace of clem not booting me off as soon as i registered of course i have to stick to the rules... not post up pictures of lates all over the place... not try to argue the case for lates and so on and so forth... the old 'when in rome...' syndrome :mrgreen:

trouble is, i'm a mischevious little scamp, and i do love my lates, and i love most of all that the world's coolest bay (and it's official now... it was on the news at tea time) is a late, which i imagine grates on more than a few nerves... although it's only stuff like indicators and bumpers... no big deal really :wink:

anyway, i reckon the overall profile of a late bay, what with the 'squared-off' intake vents and the boxy bumpers just looks that little bit 'harder' and so lends itself to this specialist area of extreme *slamming* whereas an early looks best maybe polished up in OG colours, lowered slightly perhaps on a nice set of alloys...

(i'm expecting a call from clem at any minute and the last bit is my defence against getting banned)

it's all a laugh isn't it at the end of the day ?

there really is a great vibe in here... seriously 8)
Ego, you are not alone.
It just dont do anything for me, I just dont get it, im not against late bays in anyway, to me all bays are pretty much the same just some have hideously ugly bumpers.

There are so many cool looking narrowed and slammed busses out there, earlies, lates, splits but this one doesnt quite do it somehow :?
The Councillor needs Counseling. :mrgreen:

I just love your replies, it is rare for me not to understand someones point of view or instantly agree or disagree. But I swear that you must be the funniest person in real life. :lol: I never know whether you are having a laugh at someones expense, trying to get a rise out of someone, giving some really useful information or just trying to F**k with my head.

If we ever meet please come and say "hello, shut up, man that's a heap of German Shite" or words to that effect. I can't put my finger on it but I recon a few pints with the rest of the Early Bay boys would have you centre stage with the rest of us in stitches.

My wife has just read this and is very confused :?

Keep the lengthy replies coming, such a good read. :D

Early, late or in between. There all VW's and cool to me 8)

Its the engineering done to get that low is what impresses me.
Hello folks..

Thanks for your feedback on Matt's van, the thread has got us all talking at the workshop, as it looks like Charlie Charles has a friend at last!!

The bus started out as a stock pv which had sat under a tree for 7 years. At 1st Matt fitted a link pin beam on the front with dropped spindles and all of the usual gubbings, at the back it has ADJ spring plates to aid getting the wheels on and off, the chassis was also notched and gusseted front and rear. The bus looked really cool like this, but then we did the blue and white LPB at the Big Bang Matt decided he wanted to go a step further with his.

Fast forward to the Thursday night before Bug Jam, Matt took his bus into the T2D workshops and cracked out the Plasma Cutter. He then spent the next 48 hours doing the body drop. A large amount of time was spent by Matt trying to get his head around where to do the cuts and where everything would actually end up after the drop. It was mind boggling!!!

By 1.30am on the Sunday of Bug Jam the body was dropped over the chassis and enough strength was welded back in to get it rolling.

By 2pm it was on it's wheels and what a sight it was, it was grins all round:), then back home for a few hours sleep and a shower before heading of to Santa Pod..

Between Bug Jam and the Breeze, Matt and his right hand man Jared have spent many late nights finishing the van off and getting it ready for an MOT which it passed the day before Brighton.

If you want to see some more pics and a video go to the archives on" onclick=";return false; or" onclick=";return false;

Paul T2D

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