How to adjust the sliding door lever rods???

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2013
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I've just finished fitting a ply panel to the back of the cab divider on my non walk through early bay.The only issue I have now is that I can't push the inner sliding door release lever towards enough to release the to open it .I have to pull the lower of the two lever rods that connect the lever mech to the rear lock mech.
There are barrel nuts at the front end but they don't seem to shorten the rod length when you turn them ?
Hi there, if the new panel is obstructing the slider, I'd trim the ply before adjusting the door even just a fraction. Having the door in the correct position is a must really. The trouble with adjustments and locks is knowing what the boundaries are, and that's a tricky one on a forum.

Ozziedog,,,,,,, Nearly done yet? :mrgreen:
I think there is a section on slider adjustment in the Bentley manual. I can have a look tomorrow as mine is in my office.
The slider adjustment is a bit of a dark art and as Ozzie suggests, might be better to leave it if it worked fine before.
Actually. Can you just take the handle off, a screw holds it on, and re-fit a notch back? I think it fits onto a spline like fitting. (Could be wrong here as replace mine ages ago....)
I followed the Bentley manual on my crossover and.... had the same problem as you! I had the door off and used a bit of trial and error, I think I just removed all the free-play from the system and set it at that.

The barrel nut doesnt adjust like a turnbuckle, you need to adjust things with the barrel nut screwed back so the two halves are disconnected (if I remember right) then screw the nut on to connect them back together and lock it up with the locknut.

Hope this helps, best of luck to you!

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