the ignition light is on very faint all the time, (but full on when it should be), it is brighter if something is switched on like wipers or lights (but not full on), the brightness varies as the wipers change direction, put a new battery in at the weekend for a different reason, and the ign light behaviour is exactly the same. There is an extra light on the dash which comes on when the key is turned backwards and glows in sympathy with the ign light when its doing its thing. The van was originally a bus, then a camper, then back to a bus aqain, needless to say the wiring is not original.
What do the leccy experts think? I suspect a not very good earth somewhere under the dash, but I'm not an expert and would appreciate a spot of advice before I go digging, please?
What do the leccy experts think? I suspect a not very good earth somewhere under the dash, but I'm not an expert and would appreciate a spot of advice before I go digging, please?