Insurance - club membership

Early Bay Forum

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Oct 26, 2010
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Am gathering insurance quotes for the bay and when asked about being members of owners clubs I have always proudly stated EarlyBay and everyone has been fine with it...

...that's until I was on the phone with one company who asked whether this was a "pay for membership" to which I replied a peppy "nope!".

I was then informed by the chap on the end of the phone that it didn't count for insurance purposes.

Anyone else had similar dealings?

Obviously don't want such a minor detail to cause me grief if the worst happens but it looks like it will save me about £35 if I were a "proper" :roll: club member... I know who I'd rather give my money to.
This Forum is accepted as a "proper club" by most reputable companies , take your business somewhere else ,its their loss. :D
My previous insurers didn't bat an eyelid.
This company is reputable and sadly even without club membership are miles ahead on cover and price :oops:
...that's until I was on the phone with one company who asked whether this was a "pay for membership" to which I replied a peppy "nope!".

I was then informed by the chap on the end of the phone that it didn't count for insurance purposes.

There is nowhere that it states to be a member of a club you have to pay a subscription. It's just a group of people with a common interest and sometimes an expected code of ethics to maintain membership. Usually governed - which in this case it is by the administrators.

If it happens again I would politey ask the person on the other end what their definition of a club is i.e what would it take to be recognised.

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