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New member
Apr 1, 2008
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Hi Everyone

Firstly just want to say this site is great, so much information and beautiful pics :)

Since the beginning of the year me and the missus have been putting away a little cash every month to eventually buy a lovely VW camper (by lovely I mean a heep of shit to do up hehe). Neither of us have a clue about engines nor body work come to think of it but what we do have is a huge amount of enthusiasm and willingness to make this project work.

I’m sure at one point or another everyone has started where we are starting and seeing the many projects listed here people not only know their stuff but are more than willing to help others so I’m hoping this is going to be the best place for us to get the project off the ground.

I have many questions but I’ll try to limit it to a few;

What kinda bay? All I want is it to be tax exempt as I’ll be keeping it for years but even after reading the differences body/brake/door handle types etc etc I still don’t know what to do. I will be using it for day to day use but mainly so me and the family can go on trips

Given my lack of knowledge what would be better, to get a Bay that is running but needs a lot of work or get a non runner and rebuild from scratch ?

I know this is a very tricky one but what is a general price of a “project” bay / a running bay that needs work.

Where is the best place to find one?

Do they come in diesel?

Should I really take on this rebuild/restore project with no knowledge what’s so ever?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Yes you should take on a project, everyone should have something to use as an excuse to get away from the wife and daughter :lol:

I'm sure you've heard this saying before but buy the best you can for the money you've got.
After all the bodywork im currently doing i would say look for something that needs little bodywork unless your an accomplished welder (which i've just discovered that im not).

Most of all enjoy
Oh and welcome
Hi Steve and welcome. There's a handy guide here http://www.kampaman.co.uk/Frameset.htm if that's of any help. :D
steve, taking them one by one...

What kinda bay? really if you're talking to us you have probably decided on an early bay, so your only choice is an early early, or a crossover, which has a different set of rear lights and disc brakes. early early bay brakes are ok, but discs are better. however having owned both, i prefer the look of an early early - but i'm a style over substance type ;)

Given my lack of knowledge what would be better, to get a Bay that is running but needs a lot of work or get a non runner and rebuild from scratch ? mechanicals can be sorted reasonably easily, it's bodywork rot that will cost you money, get the soundest body and chassis you can find, but don't worry too much about mechanicals, there are more parts out there now than there were 10-15 years ago

I know this is a very tricky one but what is a general price of a “project” bay / a running bay that needs work. - dunno, whatever you want to pay i guess! you might find a bargain, certainly several £1000 i would say

Where is the best place to find one? well this place in holland (it's not that far) imports nice ones from the states http://www.kieftenklok.net/index.php?&vmcchk=1, obviously there is the for sale pages here and http://www.dubs4sale.com/ seems to get a lot of stuff through it

Do they come in diesel? no

Should I really take on this rebuild/restore project with no knowledge what’s so ever? yes, if you have the time, you seem to have the enthusiasm

and enjoy!
thanks for all your comments depending how much we can pull together this month I think we may be able to start the hunt for a bay :)
If you are not sure when buying one please please please take someone with you who knows what they are looking at. Unfortunately, with the rising price of buses there are some undesirable characters just waiting for a newcomer to come along and sell them a basket case with a shiny paint job hiding a multitude of sins.Fortunately these are in the minority and most bus owners are wonderful people. You gotta remember the newest early bay is 36 years old( early bays were made late 1967- 1971, then crossovers 'till 1972), and a lot of botching can take place in that time, especially in the 80's and early 90's when these were worth nowt!

fortunately tho, there are plenty of reputable importers around. F b i vw in Swansea have a good selection, and Kieftenklok have an immense selection!
you must be aware that these buses will nearly all be left hand drive tho, as original right hookers which haven't been welded or had bodywork are as rare as rocking horse s#it these days( unless you get an aussie or south african import). find out if the van has factory windows or is a converted panel van.the former is more desirable!

If buying a uk r h d van, try and go for one thats had a photo restoration so you can see whats been done, make sure all welding is done to a good standard and dont be put off by a superficial damage, missing trim etc as everythings readily available from various supliers either new or S/H.

Finally, if your unsure about anything just ask, theres tons of bay knowlage on this forum and its all impartial so don't hesitate!
Good luck, Steve :lol:
Welcome to the forum,I think everythings been covered now.I agree,go and get as rust free a bay as you can find.The mechanicals can be sorted once the bodyworks done.The best bodywork examples tend to be ones which have come from the drier states of America,South Africa or Australia.But you still have to be careful as even if you're buying one from there unseen you could be buying one thats originally from a wet state and almost as rotten as a UK bus! Also decide what body style you want,do you want to go camping,you'd be better off getting a camper to start with,then do you need a pop top (more sleeping space and you can stand up inside) Or go for a minibus version (microbus) Or maybe you like the comercial look of a panelvan or a pick up body ?
Where are you going to be doing your project also? If you've got a regular size garage a pop top might not fit in without lowering it first.Good luck with it all :D

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