late hazard switch on Early bay.. is this normal?

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Active member
Jul 18, 2011
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Hi guys,

Trying to get the wiring sorted on our US spec 68x deluxe. I am nearly there. Looking at the wiring diagrams on the samba, my van matches the wiring diagram for a 68 however the hazard light swich and relay appear as in the post 69 wiring diagram. Ie it has a 4 pin relay and associated switch rather than the early 9 pin and 2 pin switch. The van looks like it was made in mid to late 68 so could this have been like it from the factory or is it more likely to have been converted over the years?

I only ask because the relay seems a bit intermittant and when you indicate left the dash telltales flash, as they should but when you indicate right they flash once and that's it... Very odd. Thanks for your help guys!
Think that it changed late 68(but stand to be corrected)with what i have come across.tell tail fault could be flasher switch or one of the bulbs is out /corroded on the side not working(incorrect load on relay).come across a few that dont match wiring diagrams /colours for there years.
You are right, I had a bulb out at the back and that stopped the. Lights on the dash working! All sorted now, thanks for the great advice!
The pre-1972, North American specification, VW 1600 Type 2s, are strange beasties, with bizarre electrical circuitry, especially with regard to the direction-indicator, hazard-warning-light and brake-light circuits. Someone has probably rationalised the circuitry, so that the direction-indicators and brake lights are independent of one another, with separate light bulbs, so that the vehicle complies with British & European lighting regulations! :p