LED Lights for dash

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Apr 22, 2012
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Does anybody by any chance know if these are plug and play?
Or will they have to be fettled with and bits added?
Any knowledge appreciated.



J & P
:D :D :D
Yes, they fit well...but you do need to remember a few things. Bought and fitted the same ones to my 68 and bro in laws 73
They will only work one way around as they are diodes, have to fit by trial and error, no polarity markings
Also there is live contacts on the ends by leds so care inserting them into the dash with the ignition on.
Plus take care to arrange the contact points wires on the sockets otherwise you might think they don't work.

As dial illumination bulbs they are great, massive improvement.
You can't use them on the alternator bulb as they don't draw enough current to bias the alternator, so stick with the old incandescent bulb for that circuit, always remember that alternator won't work if normal bulb blows and bulb will show faults if voltage from alternator is low or very high (knackered reg).
Might be ok on generator.
Also they will mess with you indicators / hazards so you can't simply use them on that circuit either, might need a rewrite plus new relay to get that one to work. Tried that one, one way around fine with indicators but then hazards don't work with ignition off, & vice versa.

Full beam (blue) they are fine

So buy and pack and go halves with someone else as you only need half a pack if you use a mix of leds and normal bulbs.

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