Led lights, what colours are best

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
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I want to put some in the van, my brov in law has blue ones in his t25 and they look great at night, thing is now ive worked out where to put them i cant decide on what colour or colours to go for :? anyone got any pics of leds in thiers and what works best. :)
i use to re-fit limo interiors , and the blue gives a great effect , depends on what your after with lighting effects and how much you want to spend , the scanning bars look great 8) , we also use to fit fibre optics , both end ommitting and the thicker side ommitting stuff and couple these up to programable digital led lighting boxes , you can go with single colour which the makers claimed 2.1 million colours (shades) , phasing colour (programmed to whatever speed you like) , sound to light flash colour change (speed programable) or a white strobing effect (speed programable of course) and this can be done by a small control box .
another lighting item you can use are plasma plates (lightening discs) i have some 10" blue and tri colours in stock £30 ea , the sky's the limit and so is the wallet :lol:
I have tons of CCFL tubes, the type that go into computers and run on 12V, I hope to fit a few different colours for different moods effects, and hide them around the bus.

you can buy them cheap in maplins although i ordered mine online for peanuts. they do drain much current and they run cold and give good bright light.

This sort of thing,

i used to ba able to change the colour of my Pimped warercooled PC from my desktop to 5 different colours from a LCD control unit and my keyboard.

I found Blues and UV tubes to be the best, the blues gave a strong light and the UVs were great at night. I had the same results with LEDs

i reckon these would look cool connected to some spots up front and the side lights...


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