Leisure Battery Help

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester / Kent
Hi ..... sorry if this is a silly camper question or questions...... :?:

I have a Halfords HB063 battery under the seats in the back of my camper whith a wire that goes in the cupboard, where I have a green switch that lights up when on.

To use the Battery do I switch the green switch on?
How long should this battery last if the Camper isn't driving anywhere?
what stuff can I run from this battery?
It also have a 12V socket in a cupboard

I turned the green switch and that turns on the 12v socket in the cupboard

How long should this battery last if the Camper isn't driving anywhere?
can I run a heater from this?
and how does it charge itself again

I think you'll need to post up a few more details such as what other components are wired into the setup, and what is wired to what etc. Pictures will no doubt help. Otherwise it really is a guessing game to know if you're running a basic split charge relay system, leisure battery, or something more complex that may be configured to work with a 240v hook up as well.
It does look like a standard battery 12v 41ah this will not work as well as a proper leisure battery & capacity is less than 50% of most leisure batteries.

One thing no heater will work to much power required you might get a small blower heater (12v windscreen demister type) to work for around 10 minutes possibly upto a few hours if your lucky but if it comes from one of your 10 amp fuse feeds the fuse will probably blow, if your battery is in good order & fully charged a simple 150w ceramic heater could last around 3 hours.

you have a bit of a mess wiring wise I would check what each fuse does I can see 4 10 amp fuses & 1 25 amp pull on out at a time to see what stops working your 25 amp fuse has a black wire could be negative wire & certainly looks to wire to the negative battery terminal?

I would guess it charges from your alternator/dynamo or linked to main battery possibly via a relay, do you have a zig unit ? or mains transformer this could charge the battery otherwise

most leisure batteries are around 90ah to 110ah (don't think yours is) a guide to usage here http://www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/helpandadvice/technicalhelp/power/your-leisure-battery/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Hope this helps Tony.
Also looking again at the wire going to the 25 amp fuse the black wire (whats the writing on the label) this could be a feed to your main battery or alternator/dynamo & guessing another black wire to your leisure battery if so well at least its fused but check were it leads to , fuse on the other end I would hope this would charge the leisure battery.
A bit of a vipers nest that wiring...

Put a volt meter across the terminals and measure the voltage engine off, then again at around 2000rpm. You should see at least 13 volts with engine running, this will tell you if it is connected to the charging circuit. If electrics aren't your thing then get help from someone who's thing it is.

Definitely tidy the wiring up and check the 240v inlet is properly earthed.

Sent from my GX64 SatCom phone using Tapatalk

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