Looks like ive been shafted on ebay again.

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2006
Reaction score
Lost in Space
After the Audi i thought id had my bad luck on the bay.

Well its happened again.

Was bidding on a Beetle which sold for £468.57.
24 hours later its back up by the same seller, so i contact him and offer my original top bid of £400. He replies saying hes changing the listing to a BIN for £450 and i can do that if i wish. He never up dates the listing and i win it in a straight auction for £320..........

He then contacts me and says i can have the car for £400 as i first offered while the auction was live and he says he didnt get around to changing the auction to a BIN as his internet was down. He had my number all this time and could have easily contacted me and i would have given him the £400.

So why did the first buyer not take it for £468.57 (because he was most probley shill bidding), secondly why is he now happy to take the £400 i offered when he knocked me back two days ago holding out for £450.
He says he is new to this and is using a friends account, so isnt worried about negative feedback.

The best thing is as the winning bidder ive got his (or his mates) post code and the car is only in Newquay so im tempted to give him a early morning call to collect the car.
How many Wan**rs do you get in this scene. Audi, camper and a Beetle now ive been shafted on. Im going for the VAG set.
Anyone in Newquay fancy doing a drive by. :evil:
What a ****!

I can't believe people will mess others around so much. Ebay is based around an honest description and taking the risk of possibly getting less than it is worth, but maybe getting a good deal. But you have to take the rough with the smooth. It seems people can decide that it didn't reach what they hoped and pull out. What is the point? You have to blame ebay for letting it get to this.

Sorry to hear about this Jon but it doesn't surprise me at all....... :(
yeah, be v e r y cautious mate and make sure you look that car over good style!!!

If I were using a friends ebay account,I'd be MORE concerned about getting him a negative feed back,some friend if he's not bothered about his mates reputation - this is a bit like Grimsby....very fishy.
The seller as canceled the sale and reported me to Ebay............... :shock:

Oh well i think i got in before him, and ive already left negative feedback.
How can he report you?
If anything Ebay should demand that he sells you the ar for the winning £320 regardless of everything else but i bet they dont
Hiya Clyde,

Actually, were I you, I'd consider myself quite a lucky chap.

The last thing I'd want to do is go through with the sale when the seller is as dodgy as all that. If he's not being straight up with you on the terms of the sale you can count on the fact that the car is probably not as represented either. You could have wandered into a real mess and paid for the privilege of doing so. This really sounds like a sale from which you should run, not walk.

i would report him for possible shill bidding, with a detailed description and include his emails to ebay.

I hate feckers who get away with **** like this. Thankfully they are few and far between. I really detest ebay now and rarely use it.
i won a pair of doors a few weeks ago the buyer wanted cash on collection. i did buy it now and within minutes they were re listed with a higher price! after a few messages he said he had another pair of doors but im sure he was just seeing if he could sell them for more before i collected. i went to collect asap. the ad for the "other" pair of doors was then removed. i dread to think how much petrol is wasted by people going to collect an item and just getting the run around.
clyde said:
After the Audi i thought id had my bad luck on the bay.

Well its happened again.

Anyone in Newquay fancy doing a drive by. :evil:

hell yeah..name and shame..will probably get into a world of political stuff but spill the beans..." what do you know about the beans"
" what beans?"
" no beans...ha ha"
name that sitcom/type thing
scott wilson said:
clyde said:
After the Audi i thought id had my bad luck on the bay.

Well its happened again.

Anyone in Newquay fancy doing a drive by. :evil:

hell yeah..name and shame..will probably get into a world of political stuff but spill the beans..." what do you know about the beans"
" what beans?"
" no beans...ha ha"
name that sitcom/type thing

Neil - Young ones! ;)
Funny place ebay, sure need to read the 'copy' and look closely at the pictures
Just by chance found an ad on ebay tonight selling a SA awning, looked at the set of photos and the seller has included a photo of my westy with my old awning and added a link to earlybay.com with my old thread. Its not even someone re selling my old awning :shock:

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