mein booooos!

Early Bay Forum

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heart shaped bed in the back, mirror ceiling, glitter ball, barry white on loop.....

you can come in if you want :D
my god thats sooo forgot the leopard print bedspread though! :lol:

when will he be making his 1st appearance?
part finished.......possibly RTTS

hopefully finished.......BJ :D

now, you - msn. lets chat, been too long :'(

need i say more?! :D
perfect colour choice! :D

id better pull my finger out or my bus will still be in the same state come wont want to be my camping neighbour then!! :lol:
been a while.......thought i's show the "final" state of the bus


i've also re-arranged my photobucket account, so most of the old pics dont work :lol:

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