Classic Number Plates

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Jul 3, 2020
Reaction score
Hi folks
My 69 bus ( USA import) is finally undergoing a respray, new window seals and a bit of cosmetic surgery.
Colour is Savannah Beige with white top half.
I would like to put classic number plates on her and wondered might anyone recommend a supplier and would black and white or black and silver look best?

Whitewater Pete
I don’t even know what I got on mine, I’ll be down there later and have a little look. But jonnyvolks 73 and Sausage seem to have the key to ‘The Look’ by having black and silver matching with the black bumper with shiny bolts on the rear and black and white letters matching with the white bumper. So following on from this, as I’ve got black bumpers and shiny stainless bolts (I knew that bit) I really need black plates with silver numerals .

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,another thing on the list :)
As far as I recall black and silver plates are only legal on pre 1973 vehicles, so why not show off the classic status 😀
I think you’re spot on there as you’re not the first to tell me this. Your silver goes with your grey and looks very In Keeping with the era.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,Ccccllassssyy lookin :cool:
Black & silver pressed plates on a classic vehichle always looks good and +1 for Framptons, they provide a good service.

I've noticed increasingly the number plate recognition software used in car parks doesnt recognise the black silver as it looks for dark numerals on a light background. You can hear the groan from the folk in cars behind when the gate fails to open becuase it can't read the plate and you jump out to go find an intercom to speak to a human being, they all think the old car at the front has broken down.

It has led to free parking on an number of occasions, as the remote operator has to manually raise the barrier for you to enter similarly they have to raise the barrier manually to let you back out again, and as the system has been unable to read your plate on the way in it hasn't registered on the system to let you pay on the automated machines which is more bother than it's worth for the day operators to try and resolve.

Classic cars = Tax free, congestion charge exempt and occasional free parking in city centres for the win! :D

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