Blimey,,,, what a whirlwind of eating drinking and playing silly games. The Christmas Eve Bash at ours went down in history as the daftest Christmas Eve on record and we’ll do our level best next year to exceed this years. I actually stayed a bit sensible on the Chinese food for the first time ever and left a bit of space for some Stellas, missed out on the Savvy B and just had bubbly and Stella, great night indeed rolling out tunes from the past. Christmas Day got off to a rocky start with friends and family members struggling to regain consciousness but we got there in the end and in to the pub for a twelve o’clock sitting. I stayed off the sauce at this point and we headed to the nieces place for the afternoon and evening trying out all the new games. There was one let down and one only and maybe it was just a melancholy thought but we've had something this year that we’ve never had before ??? Any ideas ??? I had a couple of screwdrivers, a pair of pliers and some mole grips and a claw hammer in the car in a bag in the Zafiras boot but for the first time ever we didn’t need them. There was nothing to put together, there was nothing that needed assembling, nothing got broke and nothing needed adjustment. No bikes, no dolls houses, no towers of this that or the other ,,, definitely no scalextricks or train tracks or cranes, not even a dumper truck or a digger. Even the youngest niece didn’t have a camper for her Barby that might need a bit of customisation. They’ve all grown up just that little bit more. One nephew that I straightened every thing out for year on year was having a beer with me yesterday . So how long have I got to wait for the next batch of young uns? Today is a Boxing Day tradition at ours where all and sundry are invited to ours and we’ll have cold cuts this afternoon with home made pickled eggs and pickled onions supplied and made by Mrs Ozziedog, and proper home made chips. I’ll go up in the loft and get our deep fryer out as it’s only allowed out once a year and we’ll have proper proper cooked dark brown chips. I’ve got six bags of spuds ready to peel and cook. So we start the fryer up around four or five and cook chips non stop for a couple of hours. The table will be groaning under the weight of cold roast beef, chicken, turkey, pork, ham, gammon eggs onions , pork pies etcetera etcetera etcetera and of course chips. The first four or five panfulls will be be cooked until golden then plonked in the oven in a large Pyrex glass dish to dry off and tan up. Then I’ll keep cooking pan after pan until they’re just starting to brown, we don’t want no pale coloured chips in this house at this time of year. We’ll cook and eat until everyone surrenders and there’ll be more this year than ever before for the famous Ozzie chips bonanza . Twenty something last year and maybe over thirty this year. So as soon as we finish our munchathon we get into the games and tunes. Usually start off with a game of Mr and Mrs that normally raises a few hackles and starts some arguments and gets everybody laughing at the stupidity we’re all capable of. Might sort a few Stellas out this evening and might even kick off on the Peronis but just because it’s Christmas.
Ozziedog,,,,,,,, keep going everyone,,,, there is no surrender

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, keep going everyone,,,, there is no surrender