Moose the '72

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Cheers, had to do a bit more welding that I missed under the rear seat, the welder was giving me a bit of grief and thought it may not be good enough but the MOT man was happy with it, just as well its under the seat as it's not very pretty :lol:

I think this means I can now advertise myself as "welding to MOT standard" :lol:
Looks like it Jon :D , but looking out of the window now I can only see about 200 yards cause of the rain.
Well I made it to BusTypes Here I am parked up :D

but had some fun coming home as he didn't seem to want to run at less than about 2500 revs, it would idle ok but nothing inbetween it was like a flat spot about as big as Holland :mrgreen:
It died at the front of the traffic lights queue and the lights went through 2 cycles before I got him started again :roll: but apart from that he drove really well.
NickJ said:
Well I made it to BusTypes Here I am parked up :D
but had some fun coming home as he didn't seem to want to run at less than about 2500 revs, it would idle ok but nothing inbetween it was like a flat spot about as big as Holland :mrgreen:
It died at the front of the traffic lights queue and the lights went through 2 cycles before I got him started again :roll: but apart from that he drove really well.

Holland as some hills!!!! You wouldn't make it with that amount of revs.... :mrgreen: ;)
Sorry :oops: I did know there were some hills, it stands to reason that if Joop Zoetemelk hero of the '80 Tour came from Holland he must have learned his trade somewhere near home :mrgreen:
NickJ said:
Sorry :oops: I did know there were some hills, it stands to reason that if Joop Zoetemelk hero of the '80 Tour came from Holland he must have learned his trade somewhere near home :mrgreen:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Good old Joop!
Well I thought it was time for a bit of an update on what has been happening to Moose.
I replaced the spindle bushes in the carb to try to improve the running

After I had fitted these it still wasn't much better, so I thought I would bite the bullet and buy a new carb. As I had replaced a lot of the ignition system I thought I would have a nice reliable standard set up.

This is the carb straight out of the box, this is advertised as the best of its type available :shock: makes me wonder what the others are like.
Fitted to the bus

but just couldn't get it to run right at all. Spoke to Heritage who I had it from and they were very good, gave me a freepost address and said they would refund me, can't say fairer than that really.
Did a bit of reassembly on the old carb, fitted it and it seems to be working much better now :roll:
Using my scatter gun approach to jobs I decided that I needed a tacho fitted :roll:

So I acquired this smiths tacho for a reasonable amount on ebay and I have to say it went in surprisingly smoothly.

Here it is fitted in the dash, so now I can more accurately tell where the huge flat spot is in the rev range :lol:

I also had a car boot bargain Keinzle clock for £5 :D photo to follow.
I thought it was time for a bit of an update, still not taken the photo of the clock yet, but plenty of othe stuff happened.
Got to drive Moose a couple of times and realised that the clutch was slipping, I didn't fancy attempting this in the open so took him to my local garage where he fitted the clutch no problem.

here's the engine out and waiting for the new clutch

While the engine was out I'd asked Dave (garage owner) to check out the petrol tank as I'd had a strong petrol smell inside but couldn't find a leak, he found a couple of pipes disconacted on the tank and sorted them.

I also mentioned that I couldn't get Moose to run right and would he take a look, he tried and struggled as well, then started to dig a bit deeper and did a compression test and a leakage test.
So now I'm waiting for a recon engine to be delivered :roll:
BTW I've also ordered a single quiet pack to replace the beetle exhaust.
Checked with the engine builder on Sat morning, he said it should be finished on Monday so just waiting for the call from the garage to say it's been delivered :D but won't be ready for our hols on Friday down on the Gower, just as well we hadn't planned to camp :lol:
Hi Nick, getting there I see.

Where on the Gower are you going, you should take a trip to Llangennith, lovely beach and nice restaurant there too.

Hi Jon, yep slowly but surely , we are staying by Oxwich so just round the corner I think .
Will be taking the wet suit and body board, will have to try out that restaurant what's it called ?
NickJ said:
Hi Jon, yep slowly but surely , we are staying by Oxwich so just round the corner I think .
Will be taking the wet suit and body board, will have to try out that restaurant what's it called ?

Eddies. It is cheap and cheerful with a great view of the sea. Only serve til about 5:30. Jon
Cheers Jon, we called into Eddies as we used Llangennith beach (fantastic) Hillend is a handy camp site for the beach too, it seemed to be very busy each day we passed though, there was a lovely velvet green EB Dormobile parked by the entrance anybody on here ?
Well I'm nearly there with getting the van back with the new engine in



Fingers crossed I will get it back tomorrow, then just 500 miles of running in to do.
Looking at the last photo, realised I've got to do something with the underside of the engine lid :lol:

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