Yeeeeeeeeeears ago, I imported a splitty into Felixstowe. So I bought a trailer for £300 fitted a towbar on me Dad's wheezy undrepowered Renault £90.
Then I went to a wake n rolled in at 3am p****d n me dad dragged me n me duvet out into the motor at 6am!!!!! How rude???? :lol:
9ish hours later we arrived at the docks as I almost sobered up after a terrible overpriced brekky on the motorway.
The fella at the docks laughed at us & our new splitty n said "good luck" cheeky sod.
Then we got lost 4 times leaving the town and once on the motorway we realised how **** a towcar we had chose as we struggled to keep up with the wagons, as each one passed us the trailer snaked terribley, so we slowed down till it behaved , then speeded up again just in time to be overtaken again.
Then the brakes bound on the trailer n smoke poured out, so me dad climbed under n removed them (I was back to feelin ill again

Then one wheel bearing collapsed n smoked a lot, so the RAC begrudingly sent a lowloader for the splitty while we followed with the trailer to a cheerful fella called Roger's garage to fix our wheel bearing
Then a fair few miles down the road again another bearing went, so the same RAC fella took us to a not so cheerful Roger to get that fixed & off we went again!!
Then I got better as my dad started feeling quite ill so I drove the rest of the way till we got to the roundabout next to wor hoose, then the cargo doors flew open n poured the westfalia interior in the road!!
Then we went home to bed, 26 hours later.
Then we woke up to my mam having a hissy fit to the "piece of **** on the trailer outside the house" :lol:
Just get it picked up bud???