Right, my time out here at work is nearly over again, so I should be home next week, barring any Airport issues :evil:
Me and the Long Haired General have decided to try to get to Big Bang 2016 this year, but the list of jobs I still have to do is pretty big... in fact it's massive!
So, I'd obviously appreciate any help/advice prior to setting off again.
As she stands, most of the exterior on Nell is done (albeit to basic standards). She has had an MoT since November, but not actually been anywhere yet due to not having everything in place to get her carbs and timing set up properly.
Today, after my Father in Law kindly put the VS Exhaust on for me last week, she'll be on the rolling road!
So, with the outside nearly done, it's time to sort out the interior, my favourite bit!
How she currently looks inside..
As you can see, she's a bit skeletal.
I did also buy a set of interior panels, but they'll have to go in bare for now.
Jobs to do, are as follows in what I think is going to be this order:
1. Quick Shifter - bought and sat in my shed. Wanna be stirring porridge in baby bears bowl, not daddy bears...
2. First Fix the electrics - Zig unit (also sat in my shed) will be located behind the drivers seat in the tall part of the two part seat so all Interior wiring will run to and from here. Want to run Lights 12V and 240V, Sockets 12V and 240V, wiring for a Propex (to be installed later in the year) and stereo from the Zig with isolator switches from the wardrobe unit beside the back hatch.
3. Sound Insulation - Just bought 4 Sq.M of Silent Coat, should be home about the same time as me. I'm hoping it'll be enough. Do you need to cover entire panels? I heard it's just to take the rattle or vibration out of panels that make it a little less deafening.
4. Flooring and Heat Insulation - I'm going to try to find the thin flooring foam insulation that's apparently available at BnQ's, then lay the old board on top, then tile with individual flooring tiles to match my interior. I'll also line the inside of the panels with this on top of the silent coat.
5. I need to make or pick up a double drawer unit (the one above the engine) Like the one in Devon Moonrakers.
The same as this one. Pic borrowed from somebody on here, maybe Gwar? cant remember, hope that's ok?
6. I also need to make or pick up the back seat unit also like the Devon Moonraker.
I've already made the upright part.
7. I need to install all of the units that were repaired last time I was home.
Quite chuffed with these
8. Once the units are all in, I can start on the electrics second fix. As I said above, the zig will be in the upright part of the seat, the Leisure battery will hopefully sit in the bottom of it (Not the base part - I want that for storage). I also need to fit in the Consumer unit to keep it all safe. Im not 100% sure where the hook-up will sit yet; maybe in the drivers wheel arch, maybe beneath the passenger seat. Any advice?
(In this seat and upright)
9. Cushions - I have a motley crew of old cushions to go in her that'll need scrubbing and de-mousing. They've been in my garage for the last year or two, so will be lovely, Im sure! I also still need a back cushion, the big one that sits over the engine and makes up most of the bed if anyone's got one? Please?
10. Curtains - Bought a lovely set at a very reasonable price, which are also sat in my shed, waiting on me getting home to hang them.
11. Seatbelts for the back - These are obviously a must, but we (me n the general) are going away first and want to have the basics in, so these can wait a few days.
12. Back Bumper - I have one and the 72 Crossover hangers sat in my shed too. Might get put on before Big Bang, but not arsed if they don't to be honest. I love the look of the VS exhaust.
13. Dash top - Bought from a fella on here, will get put on before Big Bang hopefully, but again, not a game changer if not.
14. Stereo - Managed to buy a Retro look stereo cheap so that can go in too.
So all in all, after getting home, I'll have about 10 days to get it all done! :shock:
Easy right?
Anyway, do you think 4 sqm will be enough and if so, to what extent do I need to apply it - everywhere or just one sheet per panel?
Anybody want to donate cushions or sell me any, Biggest want is the big cushion over the engine bay... purleeeeease!
Anyway, any advice gratefully received. Thank you.