Need help, how to remove side panel...?

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New member
Jun 15, 2010
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Hello all been checking out this site since i got my bay(awesome site)... im in the process of painting it but i want to remove the side panels... i believe thats is what they are called each side has them but one side covers the rails for the sliding door. I have the the service manual but its just not very clear on how to do it... i removed the three screws on the no sliding door but nothing and on the sliding door side i believe it has two at the bottom and one that goes through the body into the cpillar.

anyhelp is greatly appreciated! thanks guys

quick question i noticed some people have the square reflectors on the doors n rear lower...and some people dont, are yall just filling in the holes? or some years didnt have them?
they are tight and maybe the rubbers are glued to the body or panels.
I remember that mine were a right pain to remove but keep checking if every screw is removed.
In the end you probably should put a piece of wood under it and give it a right whack with the ol' hammer.

The reflectors are an american requirement I believe so if yours has it then it's been there.
If not then it's a euro bus.
Look in the end at the front of the sliding door panel there should be a screw thats attached to a clamping strip, lossen this and the push it back it should the release the cover.
noddy said:
Look in the end at the front of the sliding door panel there should be a screw thats attached to a clamping strip, lossen this and the push it back it should the release the cover.

Then wack with hammer :lol:
T2-Nate said:
noddy said:
Look in the end at the front of the sliding door panel there should be a screw thats attached to a clamping strip, lossen this and the push it back it should the release the cover.

Then wack with hammer :lol:

And then whack a few more times....

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